
Friday, July 29, 2011

We’re ready for by-elections, Ruto allies say

We’re ready for by-elections, Ruto allies say
NAIROBI, Kenya, Jul 28 – Two Members of Parliament from the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) have once again dared their party to expel them if it’s not happy with their conduct, saying that they were ready for by-elections.
MPs Charles Keter (Belgut) and Isaac Ruto (Chepalungu) said on Thursday that they were disappointed that the High Court had failed to immediately rule in a case seeking to oust Eldoret North MP William Ruto and four of his allies.
“I am a very disappointed man today, because I thought the court today would have made a ruling that I go back to my employers (electorate),” Isaac Ruto said.
The petitioners Mpuri Aburi and Kepha Odongo are seeking a declaration from the High Court that the MPs have vacated their offices as MPs.
The two party stalwarts wanted the court to rule against Mr Ruto (Chepalungu), Mr Keter (Belgut), Joshua Kutuny (Cherangany), and Aden Duale (Dujis).
The Chepalungu MP declared that the he was no longer associated with the party, but declined to state whether he had formally written to the ODM and the Clerk of the National Assembly. The Political Parties Act Section 17(2) requires that a member of a political party who intends to resign from his party shall give a 14-day written notice to the party.
Asked what he thinks would end the wrangling between the camps, Mr Ruto said: “We should wind up ODM, and everyone goes with his own share, we can have liquidation.”
ODM Leader Raila Odinga has repeatedly dared Mr Ruto and his group to quit the party if they wanted to work with the so-called Group of Seven (G7) which comprises Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka, Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa, and Trade Minister Chirau Mwakwere.
Although neither Mr Odinga nor any top party officials are directly behind the case, Mr Ruto’s side claims party members cannot take such action against ODM MPs without the PM’s knowledge.
Meanwhile ODM National Vice Chairman and Dujis MP Aden Duale and Cherengany`s Joshua Kutuny have moved to the High Court to block the case, arguing that proper party disciplinary procedures have not been followed in trying to kick them out of ODM.
“We are already aware of how ODM performs in by-elections, where they have been beaten convincingly; we are waiting to see what result they will get back in the Rift Valley.
“This latest move to kick us out is a blunder, because ODM will be a laughing stock, it’s like they are digging their own grave,” he said.

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