
Friday, July 22, 2011

MP, councillor clash at Ruto's Isiolo meeting

A meeting attended by Eldoret North MP William Ruto yesterday in Isiolo South Constituency almost turned chaotic when an MP and councillor clashed. Trouble started when the area councillor Adan Ali  stormed the meeting attended by four MPs at Guba Dida cultural centre and  demanded to be given an opportunity to address the gathering. It  took an intervention of Former speaker of National Assembly Francis Ole Kaparo to cool the tempers .
The meeting  organised by the area MP Abdul Bahari Ali was attended by Moyale MP Mohamed Ali.Ruto had appealed to the communities in the region to support him in his bid for 2012 presidency adding that he will address the interest of the communities. This was the first time Ruto had visited the area  after making remarks in Meru during the last referendum campaigns that did not please residents of Isiolo.
Ruto had called on the Meru residents to reject the proposed  constitution on grounds that Isiolo would receive equal resources with Meru although the former is less populous. Ruto yesterday  apologize to the communities in Isiolo for the remarks.The  meeting comes two weeks after the former Speaker Kaparo joined MPs from the region at the same venue and declared that he will run for UDM national chairmanship.
The former Laikipia East MP also assured communities in the region that the party will free them from the bondage of  underdevelopment and urged them to consolidate their votes in the next General Election to have a bargaining power in the national politics. Moyale MP Mohamed Ali said the pastoral communities will now avoid divisive politics and consolidate their votes in one basket. He said the communities will unite ahead of the next general elections and vote as a block to have bargaining power in the national politics. Mr Ali said the pastoralists communities  will rally behind one of their own in the run up to the next general elections.
Already re-alignments have started shaping up in Upper Eastern  with ODM and PNUMPs shifting camps . Some of those elected on ODM ticket from the region have joined rebels from Rift valley and threatened to tear the party apart. This follows the wrangles in ODM that made some MPs to shift camp to G7 and other parties in the country. Those in G7 include Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto,Najib Balala,Kalonzo Musyoka and Adan Dualle among others while Raila and Musalia faction is still steadfast in the ODM camp. The MPs from the region vowed to unite and mobilize their muscles to ensure that they will support one of their own who faces the same challenges they are facing come next elections.

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