
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Let’s help our starving fellow Kenyans

My fellow Kenyans it is abundantly clear that we are faced with a crisis of great magnitude.
Our fellow Kenyans are in dire need of food assistance, and several of them have trekked for long distances looking for food and water in order to sustain themselves.
Despite the efforts that the Government has put in place which includes medium to long term measures to address food security as articulated through the last Budget, I appreciate that this situation is urgent and demands urgent action.
These are times when we have to come together as a people, put aside our differences and realise that we are all Kenyans bound by a common heritage and it is our duty to preserve and uphold the dignity and livelihood of one another.
This spirit has been exhibited in the past; during early years of our independence under the call ‘Harambee’, we came together to build our emerging nation. More recently following the turmoil around the events of the last election we came together to assist one another.
My fellow Kenyans, today we are faced with a similar call to sacrifice. I sincerely applaud the Kenyans who have come together to raise money through the Kenyans for Kenya and Feed Kenya initiatives.
I encourage other Kenyans to also come together as individuals in their everyday lives to form groups and make their own contribution towards these efforts. Let us also keep contributing through MPESA to PayBill 111111 or KCB account 1133333338.
The ideal of Kenyans coming out to help other Kenyans is one that I support and has always been close to my heart. Even once we get through this crisis, because we will, this spirit should remain.
In addition to monetary contributions, I appeal to you to come out and volunteer to help our brothers and sisters who are facing this calamity.
It is in times like this that we must look beyond our differences and act as patriotic Kenyans. Always Remembering that we are Kenyans. One people under one flag.
(Mr Kenyatta is the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance)

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