
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Former elders council chair seeks democracy in Luo Nyanza

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Share/Save/Bookmark Former Luo Council of Elders chairman Riaga Omollo has appealed to the community to take a more liberal political approach as the dominance and patronage of one party has undermined the region's development in the past. Riaga was clarifying his political link with Eldoret North MP William Ruto in a bid to shake off the tag that cost him the council's leadership position.
The former council of elders chairman has been at pains to explain his actions to his community who have accused him of betraying Raila Odinga's ODM. Addressing mourners during a funeral at East Kamagak location in Kasipul Kabondo, Riaga said democratic space is limited in the region and individuals should be left to choose the party they want.
He said lack of leadership has cost the Luo opportunities to invest in the newborn Republic of South Sudan where thousands of Kenyans have flocked. Riaga said the Ruto-led UDM Party should be allowed to sell its policies in the region so that the community can have a wide array of political parties to chose from other than the dominant ODM.
He however denied having personal links with UDM or Ruto, saying he will sue those who make such claims. Riaga's remarks caused consternation during a funeral with area MP Oyugi Magwanga telling him to his face to stop interfering with ODM and sell the UDM party policies instead. Magwanga accused Riaga of being the UDM agent in the region.

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