
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Corridors of Power

The UDM is reportedly planning to field Bishop Jackson Kosgey, father of gospel artiste Emmy Kosgey, as the party's candidate for the Baringo County senator. The good bishop will be running against retired President Moi's son and former Baringo Central MP Gideon who is reportedly interested in the same seat. We hear that Eldoret North MP William Ruto is soon going to tour the county and announce the party's plans as far as Bishop Kosgey is concerned.
A medical doctor who once stood up to Minister Charity Ngilu over plans to appoint a CEO at a parastatal within the Health ministry was overheard saying it was just a matter of time before the ministry grinds to a halt because of delayed budgetary allocation. The ministry has already exhausted its last year’s vote and the supplementary vote.
One of the presidential aspirants last month shocked and at the same time amused fellow passengers during a short flight. Upon being served drinks and snacks on the flight, the parsimonious MP summoned the attendants and requested that he be given the drinks that were left on the serving trolley. The bursts of laughter and unrestrained mirth which received his odd request did not seem to faze the man who insisted that he should be given the drinks. Ignoring the rest of the passengers, the man calmly took the drinks which a baffled steward brought to him on a tray and went ahead to stuff the cans of beer and soda as well as water bottles into his bag. When they arrived at their destination, the MP walked out of the plane and entered his waiting car.
That William Ruto’s supporters are not amused by recent opinion polls which place him below fellow G7 ally Uhuru Kenyatta is not in doubt. One of Ruto's allies was overheard complaining about the impact such a perception will have on Kalenjin voters especially if future polls continue to reflect the same or similar ratings. The supporters are worried that the opinion polls could divide the alliance.

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