
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Give us tips on power sharing, Mugabe asks Prime Minister Raila

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Share/Save/Bookmark Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe on Friday asked Kenya to share her experience on constitutional reforms with his country. During a meeting with Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Mugabe showed strong interest in political developments in Kenya, particularly the unveiling of the new constitution. He said Zimbabwe looks up to Kenya for a model in reforming the constitution. Mugabe said Zimbabwe has always learnt from Kenya, from the liberation struggle to date, adding that he spent years studying the history of the Mau Mau war of independence.
Raila said constant dialogue and willingness to compromise was the answer to Zimbabwe’s quest for a new constitution. Raila promised Mugabe that Kenya will donate a book on constitution-making process to Zimbabwe to guide it  in constitutional reforms.
The PM said the Kenyan process was consultative and open and the country is keen to share its experience with the people of Zimbabwe. Just like Kenya, Mugabe has been sharing power with Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai in a shaky coalition government created after the country’s 2008 elections. Zimbabwe has also been trying to write a new constitution under the coalition government.
Raila arrived in Harare on his way to the city of Bulawayo, where he was to open the third National Conference of the Movement for Democratic Change headed by Tsvangirai
Raila arrived at State House, Harare,  for a courtesy call on President Mugabe accompanied by four Members of Parliament and one ODM secretariat official.
 Mugabe warmly welcomed Raila at State House where they held talks for more than an hour. Raila said Kenya and Zimbabwe have links imposed by history and should together work towards reforms in politics.

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