
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ten rules for the Marriage bed

Spouses may find that sharing a bedroom can become more tedious than romantic. To keep the bedroom from turning into a battleground, spouses need to communicate their problems and concerns to reach a compromised solution. Spouses should ponder these rules when discussing bedroom etiquette.
1 Do not snore
More than likely, one spouse snores throughout the night. This can cause many nights of restless sleep and countless cranky mornings. Couples need to come to an understanding of each other and find common ground. For the snorer, look into nasal strips, decongestants or doctors. Cutting out late night eating, smoking and alcohol consumption may even help in some cases. For the sufferer, buy earplugs or try to drown the snoring out with a fan or music playing softly in the background.
2 Agree on a bedroom temperature
This could quite possibly be the second most common bedroom fight. To reach a solution, hot sleepers should avoid rigorous exercise before bed, drink plenty of cold water, take a cold shower or splash their face and hands with cold water before hopping into bed. Sleeping nude or using 100 per cent cotton are also options to try to keep their body temperature down. Cold sleepers should wear extra clothing, invest in an electric blanket to wrap up in and manually adjust, or snuggle with their spouse for warmth.
3 Do not steal the covers
Couples can tug and tug all they want, but they each know they aren’t retrieving those covers back. Keep an extra blanket under the bed or within close reach.
4 Set a bed time
Not only is it healthy for couples to hit the sheets at the same time but it is bedroom etiquette to designate a lights out policy. Agree on 30 minutes of television once under the sheets or 15 minutes of reading, but once the first person falls asleep the other should call it a night as well.
5 Make time to cuddle
Cuddling is romantic and proven to produce closeness between couples. However, spouses should part ways once they drift off into a deep sleep. If not, they will only wake up to a hot sweaty clingy entanglement. This is obviously not what spouses want to associate cuddling with.
6 Leave pets out of the bedroom
The bedroom should be a husband and wife’s domain; pets can become territorial and ruin the experience of a couple’s reign.
7 Remove all family photos
This is a space shared between a husband and wife. This is where a husband and wife are intimate and there is no need to feel like they have their in-laws watching their every move.
8 No cell phones in the bedroom
The only exceptions should be for urgent work calls or emergency family calls. Otherwise, the phone just becomes a distraction from sleep and from each other.
9 Make the bedroom inviting
Couple’s should decorate with their favourite colours, honeymoon memorabilia and wedding photos. The bedroom should focus on the two as a happily married couple. Investing in a good mattress and pillows as well will allow them to feel well rested.
10 Agree on who makes the bed
Some couples take turns, other’s flip a coin or play rock paper scissor. The main point here is not to argue about it and to just have fun with it.

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