
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Raila to campaign for ODM in Ikolomani

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Share/Save/Bookmark PRIME MINISTER Raila Odinga is expected to visit Ikolomani to campaign for ODM candidate Bernard Shinali. The PM who is the party leader will hold rallies across the constituency starting May 7.“The PM is expected to lead party MPs especially from the Western Province. We don’t want him to just pass around but be around for enough time to meet the electorate,” said assistant minister Manyala Keya.
Keya who is Lurambi MP said no party MP was backing Khalwale’s re-election as claimed by those in Khalwale’s camp adding all party MPs will campaign for Shinali. He said the party will adopt a multi-pronged approach to the campaigns for the by-election slated for May 23.
He said party MPs will hold different rallies across the constituency between May 7 and May 14 before conducting a second round in the last week of the campaigns.
The IIEC has already cleared three candidates for the by-election. The Ikolomani seat fell vacant after the High Court in Kakamega nullified Bonny Khalwale's 2007 election.
The commission has cleared Khalwale on New Ford-Kenya candidate and Collins Matemba will run on a Ford-People ticket. Returning Officer Benjamin Tarus said the official campaign period that is to run concurrently with ongoing voter education starts on May 1 and end on May 21 campaigns.

1 comment:

  1. The media in Kenya is so blatantly biased in favor of R. Odinga and ODM its ridiculous. If the Odm man had won they[ the standard and the nation] would be all over proclaiming Odinga's victory and his influence and how invincible he is.When Khalwale won they dismiss odm loss as a mere coincident.They are quick to print the results of the sham[ bogus] and unscientific political polling to fool the public ati Rao is popular
