
Friday, April 29, 2011


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Mutula warns Kamukunji
hopeful over incitement

JUSTICE Minister Mutula Kilonzo yesterday warned a Kamukunji parliamentary hopeful against inciting voters.
Narc-Kenya Candidate Brian Weke is on record saying the by-election will be a contest between residents and non-residents.
“I will demand that this candidate be prosecuted if he repeats such remarks. This is unacceptable, we cannot continue to entertain such utterances,” Mutula said.
The minister was speaking at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa when he opened a workshop on language and cultural diversity and the new constitution.
The workshop was organised by the Baraza La Wanataaluma wa Kiswahili, (the Kenya Council of Kiswahili Professionals).
He said such utterances are unfortunate especially now that we have a constitution which recognizes Kenyans’ different cultures and languages.
“The new constitution  recognizes culture but not hate speech,” Mutula said.
Mutula called on the professionals to prepare a policy and a draft law to enhance Kiswahili and other languages as part of Kenya’s cultural diversity.
“You don’t have to wait for the ministry, do it now,” the minister said.
He said  the Justice ministry will embark on a constitutional civic education programme from pre-primary to universities.

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