Sunday, April 3, 2011


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Share/Save/Bookmark TRANSPORT Minister Amos Kimunya could replace Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta as Finance Minister if charges against Uhuru are confirmed by the International Criminal Court.
Kimunya is also being fronted as a possible presidential candidate for central Kenya should Uhuru be unable to contest the elections in 2012, according to multiple sources close to President Kibaki and the minister himself,.“There is general talk that the Kikuyu community may not have a strong candidate like it happened to Rift Valley when President Daniel Moi left power. So Kimunya is being fronted by some rich and powerful people who think that he can replace Uhuru and be able to protect the community’s interests,” a PNU Cabinet minister said yesterday.
The ICC factor has complicated the Kibaki succession politics in central Kenya as he is expected to retire in less than 13 month, assuming the elections are held on the second Tuesday of August next year as stipulated by the constitution.
In Central Province, Gichugu MP Martha Karua has declared her interest in the presidency. Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth is widely rumoured to be a possible presidential candidate in 2012, although he has yet declared his interest.
Last November Kimunya was made Deputy Leader of Government Business in Parliament. He is said to be close to the President and the First Family.“Although he does not enjoy a lot of support from MPs, he has the President’s ear. Most of the time when we go for Cabinet meetings, Kimunya is the one who summarises what has been agreed and sometimes he acts like he is the Secretary to the Cabinet even when Muthaura is present,” an ODM minister said.
Uhuru will appear before the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber next Thursday to hear the charges being brought against him by Chief Prosecutor Louise Moreno-Ocampo for crimes against humanity committed around the December 2007 election.
Uhuru has been vigorously campaigning in recent months and last week was made the senior elder of the Kikuyu. He has insisted in his rallies that he will contest the Presidency in 2012 but some of his colleagues from central Kenya fear that this may not be possible if the ICC confirms the charges against him.
Apart from Kimunya, another group of Central Kenya leaders are exploring the possibility of Internal Security minister George Saitoti in case Kimunya proves difficult to market in Central and nationally.“We have heard talk that there are people in PNU who want Saitoti to be the PNU alliance candidate in 2012 in place of Uhuru. But nothing serious has been discussed and we are all waiting to see how events turn out,” said Katoo Ole Metito, a close ally of Saitoti.
Leaders from Meru are apparently considering PNU Secretary-General and Energy minister Kiraitu Murungi as an alternative candidate should Uhuru be ruled out.
Laikipia East MP Mwangi Kiunjuri, the leader of the Grand National Union Party, is also mentioned as a possible presidential candidate. He has previously claimed that powerful forces in government were out to undermine him.“They thought the Water ministry gave me too much political mileage on the ground. With ICC threatening to alter the political terrain, Kimunya is being propped up to become a political kingpin and must be shielded from competition. These tricks will not work and must be resisted,” Kiunjuri said. There has been a flurry of political activity in central Kenya with former MPs reviving moribund parties in preparation for 2012.
Former ministers Mutahi Kagwe and Njeru Ndwiga have re-activated the Social Democratic Party as Secretary General and National Vice-chairman respectively. Former minister Chris Murungaru is also trying to revive President Kibaki’s former Democratic Party. Civil society activists and youthful professionals have been trooping to Safina which is starting to hit the campaign trial in by-elections.
Kimunya was born in Murang'a but immediately migrated to Nyandaura district where he got elected as the MP for Kipipiri. He is serving his second term in Parliament.
He holds a Bachelors Degree in Commerce (Accounting) from the University of Nairobi. He is also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA-K) and a Certified Public Secretary (CPS-K). He previously served as the Chairperson of ICPAK which is the national body of Certified Public Accountants.
President Kibaki appointed Kimunya Minister of Lands and Settlement in 2003 following a landslide victory by Narc. On February 14, 2006 he was appointed as Minister of Finance by President Kibaki following the resignation of David Mwiraria following the Anglo Leasing scandal. Kimunya was re-appointed Finance minister by Kibaki in January 2008 following the disputed Presidential elections.
On July 2, 2008, Kimunya lost a parliamentary vote of no confidence over the sale of the Grand Regency Hotel which allegedly had been sold for far less than its actual value to the Libyan company LAICO. Kimunya resigned in July 2008 despite having announced earlier, "I would rather die than resign!"
In November 2008, an official inquiry cleared Kimunya of any wrongdoing. The commission's report was not made public. Kimunya was reappointed to the cabinet by President Kibaki as Minister of Trade in January 2009.

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