Sunday, April 24, 2011

COTU in strike threat over 60 pc wage rise

COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli addresses the congregation at the St. Stephen Jogoo Road Cathedral church on April 24, 2011. PHOTO/TOM MARUKO
COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli addresses the congregation at the St. Stephen Jogoo Road Cathedral church on April 24, 2011. PHOTO/TOM MARUKO
Posted  Sunday, April 24 2011 at 17:11

The country's umbrella trade union has threatened to call for a nationwide strike should the government fail to raise the minimum wage by 60 per cent in six days.
The Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) warned it will use the Labour Day celebrations to launch the strike should the government ignore the ultimatum.
The May 1 holiday has traditionally been used by successive administrations to announce pay increases for workers.
“Workers are prepared to die from the front instead of lying down in hunger in shanties and poverty,” COTU secretary general Franios Atwoli said.
“I will take my own life to show how serious this is,” he added.
COTU's demand for an increment of the minimum wage comes at a time the coalition government is grappling with a high inflation rate caused by rising fuel and food prices.
A reduction of taxes on kerosene and diesel by finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta last week failed to deter civil societies from staging demonstrations in Nairobi and Mombasa.
Mr Atwoli made the strike threat during the International Labour Day thanks giving prayers held at St Stephen’s Cathedral, Nairobi. The theme for this year's celebration is “workers full participation in change process and implementation of the new constitution in Kenya.”
Cotu also raised the red flag over possible manipulation of the inflation rate by government. Mr Atwoli said an internal survey had placed the country’s inflation rate at 127.9 per cent.
“They are twisting the figures so as to comfort Kenyans,” Mr Atwoli said.

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