
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Corridors of Power

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Share/Save/Bookmark Will President Kibaki agree to a Cabinet reshuffle this time around? We are told that discussions between him and Prime Minister Raila Odinga over the reshuffle have been going on for some time now but the President’s close associates have on several occasions prevailed on him (Kibaki) not to endorse the changes. With the ICC decision on Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and the Head of Public Service Francis Muthaura still pending, the President’s handlers are now seriously considering the reshuffle.
A group of well known business people from Western Kenya reportedly refused to contribute money towards a fundraiser organised by Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa because they do not think the young man is serious about his politics. They claim he is being used to fight Luhya leaders and funding his activities would be tantamount to endorsing his “mission”.
Pogs for President! That is what some of his supporters want to see on banners and other campaign material. The fact that the Information minister Samuel 'Pogs" Poghisio is no longer talking about his presidential bid has caused disquiet among his supporters who fear the man from Kacheliba will be outshone by Martha Karua who is likely to launch her bid today! They are hoping they can persuade him to make his move before it is too late and have organised a team of emissaries to talk to the ODM-Kenya chairman.
Joe Khamisi has come out to defend his release of the book "Politics of Betrayal" at this time. Khamisi has come under criticism from some people that his book, which has ruffled quite a few feathers, is driven by malice and is badly timed. He wrote on his Facebook page in response to some of his critics, “I started writing this book in 2008 and it has taken me a little more than two years to complete. Writing such a book is a task that needs focus. Are you suggesting that I should have released it earlier or that I should have waited to release it later. What would have been the right time for you?”

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