Friday, April 1, 2011

Corridors of Power


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Prime Minister Raila Odinga's trips abroads are being closely monitored and recorded by NSIS oficials who have been assigned keep an eye on him and report back to their bosses in Nairobi. The officials, who are attached to diplomatic missions in the countries where Raila is visiting are operating in disguise with some of them pretending to be journalists. The first set of audio and video recordings of the PM’s Dubai trip were delivered recently.
The bad-mouthing, gossip, name calling and scrambling for appointment to the yet-to-be established Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission engaged in by some of the prospective members has heightened fears that the 2012 elections might be chaotic. The introduction of the political rivalry between ODM and PNU whose MPs have started taking a snipe at each other does not help matters either.
An MP from Homa-Bay County has now opted to visit his rural home during the night to avoid meeting with some of his more youthful constituents who always demand handouts of cash from him. The man visits his rural home briefly before driving back to Kisumu where he spends his evenings in the company of close friends and associates at the Kisumu Social Centre.

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