
Thursday, March 31, 2011

I will continue shuttling, says VP

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Share/Save/Bookmark VICE President Kalonzo Musyoka has maintained that he will continue with his shuttle diplomacy around the world to lobby for a local tribunal to try the six suspects of the post-election violence.Kalonzo said what Kenya needs is to reform the judiciary and the police force.
He was speaking in Voi town during the Annual Delegates Conference of the Kenya Primary Schools Head Teachers Association meeting, Coast Province chapter.
The VP said those opposed to the trial of the suspects locally fear that they will be linked to the post-election violence by the suspects."I suspect those who are for the Hague are fearing that they may be mentioned by the Ocampo Six in relation to their participation in the clashes," Kalonzo said.


  1. HE Kalonzo I am one Mukamba who is with you all the way,I dont care what the Jaluos and the brainwashed Wakambas say. You make me pruod that I am a Mkamba because you are principled and will take on even the" Devil" himself

  2. the issue transcends our being luhya, luo or kamba. justice is for all and the veep is not going about doing this for wakambas. stop being so narrow minded and looking at all issues through tribal lenses. you are(i hope) better than that
