
Thursday, March 31, 2011

High alert as police battle Al Shabaab

By Cyrus Ombati
Somalia’s dreaded Al Shabaab militia crossed into Kenya and attacked a police station.
The attackers launched a rocket-propelled grenade on the Liboi Police Station at the Liboi border in, North Eastern, but no injury was reported.
Authorities said police, who were caught unaware by the attack, repulsed the militia.
"We believe there were injuries on their side because they escaped soon after police responded," said a senior officer, who asked not to be named.
Latest target
Police said they recovered a rocket and several spent cartridges of G3 rifle. The attack is the latest targeted on Kenya in four days.
Residents who called The Standard Wednesday said there was tension at the border following the attack, with more security personnel being moved to the area. Area police chief Leo Nyongesa declined to comment on the attack but said security had been beefed up. The incident came days after a GSU officer was shot and injured in a clash with the militia group.
Contingents of General Service Unit officers had, a week earlier, crossed to Somalia and killed at least a dozen of Al Shabaab militants in another clash at the border.
This was after the militants allegedly fired at the Kenyan side and hit and damaged a water tank at a GSU camp at the main border.
And in retaliation, the rag tag launched an attack on the personnel. Security chiefs in the province were in meetings yesterday in Garissa to chart out the way forward.
There has been fighting pitting forces loyal to the Transitional Federal Government and the militia over control of Dobley town. Kenyan troops were have been mobilised to the Liboi border to control an influx of refugees as the fighting raged.

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