
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Power women achievers 2010 - Media Personalities

CAROLINE MUTOKOShe is not new to trouble because of her tough talking style, which she is not apologetic for. Considered a social pace setter and agenda setter, Caroline often goes beyond her call of duty to promote issues close to her heart.
What people admire her most for is her tendency to always speak her mind, fearlessly, often to fight injustice, leveraging the power of radio to do so.
Last year, she campaigned for petrol prices to go down, called for an end to impunity, put politicians, policymakers and corporate heads on the spot when things were not right, educated her listeners on the merits of the new Constitution
campaigned for IDPs to get housing by urging the public to contribute towards their shelter, promoted sanitary pads for poor school-going girls and for girls’ schools in the rural and remote areas, tried to get water to remote schools, chastised political and religious leaders across the divide for lying openly to Kenyans, urged Kenyans to love and respect each other if development and progress is to be achieved, and so on.
When she is not on radio, Caroline is mentoring young journalists, motivating young girls and sponsoring poor children to school. Truly a role model to young girls.
JULIE GICHURUAnother brave journalist with a big heart. Her weekly show, ‘Sunday Live’ on Citizen TV has propelled her to a whole different level where news is not presented in typical fashion but packaged in an easy, friendly and personable manner.
Her biggest hits are the human-interest features and the segment, ‘Who Owns Kenya’, which she has been reported as saying it has brought her some trouble but she believes in the need for Kenyans to know who the powerbrokers in this town are, for which we applaud her efforts.

In a world where media personalities are constantly embroiled in scandals, the award-winning Julie has kept her image squeaky clean, thanks to her strong family values. Earlier, she played a pivotal role in educating Kenyans on the merits of the new Constitution through the programme, ‘Eye on Katiba’.
When she is not hosting her cutting edge show on Sunday, she is working with Unicef teaching women on the importance of breast-feeding, or giving a sermon to the youth during Sunday church service.
She is also a trustee member of the African Leadership Initiative, part of the Young Global Leaders.
DR CAROL MASITSA ROZSA.She changed the way people looked at weddings through her annual publication, Samantha’s Bridal, and the annual bridal fair that puts all wedding suppliers under one roof.
Recently, she launched yet another milestone, a wedding show on television.
PATRICIA AMIRACurrently in its second season, The Patricia Show, which is aired on Dstv and KBC, has gained momentum and popularity both in and out of Kenya. The pan-African show, which represents authentic African values and inspirational stories, cuts across all ages and social classes.
She is probably the only woman in Kenya who sleeps, talks and eats football! Her sharpness and impressive mastery of the world’s most popular sport is proof that football is not only a man’s game, but a woman’s game as well.

You have probably seen her on Dstv’s Super Sport channels or listened to her incisive commentaries on radio, stirring up heated debates concerning football — the clubs, players, coaches, managers, fans, leagues, revenue and so on.
Her love and passionate for the game is clear to all who listen to her, and she has proved she has what it takes to be a professional commentator on both local and international football.
CAROLE MANDIWhen East Africa Magazines folded earlier this year, many people mourned the passing of True Love magazine. A few months later, however, the publisher, Carole Mandi, resurrected the magazine, albeit downsized.

BEATRICE MARSHALLAt KTN, Beatrice Marshall is the grounding figure, mentoring and leading the team’s journalists in producing world-class news, features and productions. Prior to the August referendum, Beatrice traversed the country educating Kenyans on the new Constitution through the programme, ‘Agenda Five’, which also provided a platform to Kenyans to air their view on various concerns affecting their communities.
In all the shows, Beatrice kept her cool and allowed a fair balance between the two opposing sides, never allowing either to take dominance.
The End

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