
Sunday, January 2, 2011


This Barack Obama fellow is truly a Kenyan masquerading as an American, just as some people suspect. He has gone and bypassed the Senate and made ambassadorial appointments. He named new ambassadors to Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Syria, Turkey, and even a deputy attorney general to boot. But not without raising eyebrows.
His administration has also revoked the Venezuela envoy’s visa ostensibly in retaliation for President Hugo Chavez’s rejecting the US’ choice of point man for Venezuela. Hope the Bunge of USA does not behave in Kenyan fashion and take him on. You know what happens when all MPs connive to vote in a certain way.
Kenya seems to be setting a worrying precedent in the East Africa region, politically speaking. Televised scenes of CUF opposition party supporters chanting Katiba Mpya ! and Haki Yetu !, along the main streets of Dar es Salaam, were quickly reduced to whimpers by truncheon-wielding Jeshi la Polisi, as one police chief called his troops. And just when Palaver thought President Jakaya Kikwete — he of the "Please reconcile" fame in 2008 — was a tolerant rather that reluctant democrat. Or is it a "Do as I say, not Do as I do" kind of deal? And all because a TZ commission has approved only piece-meal amendments to their Independence Constitution.
Only Meshack Owino of Cleveland, Ohio could make Palaver laugh so hard. Listen to the man: "Jomo Kenyatta was betrayed by Rawson Macharia, a man from his own village. Patrice Lumumba was betrayed by Mobutu Sese Seko, his own political protÈgÈ. Jesus Christ was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, one of his own disciples. Thomas Sankara was betrayed by Blaise Compaore, the vice-president in his government, and one of his closest advisers. The alleged PEV masterminds should therefore be very cautious of those mourners in their corner who are mourning more loudly than the bereaved". As we close the year on the Road to The Hague soap opera, there is no better way to put it.
And finally...
We can’t close the year without mentioning Gichugu MP, Martha Karua. She walked out on the Government, citing lack of co-operation and walloped it from the backbenches. She ended the year in style as the only one voting to oppose the anti-ICC Motion. Let’s talk some more next Year folks.

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