
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Nigeria 'to consider' Kenya's request on ICC

VPPS | NATION> Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka  shares a light moment  with  Nigeria's  Deputy Preident  Mohamed  Sambo  when  visited  him on at the Presidential Villa Abuja Nigeria
VPPS | NATION> Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka shares a light moment with Nigeria's Deputy Preident Mohamed Sambo when visited him on at the Presidential Villa Abuja Nigeria  
By VPPSPosted Saturday, January 29 2011 at 16:03

A member of the United Nations Security Council, Nigeria, has promised to consider favourably Kenya's request for support in lobbying the UN Security Council to call on the ICC to defer cases on Kenya.
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Nigeria’s deputy president, Mr Namadi Sambo received President Kibaki’s request on behalf of President Goodluck Jonathan, who is away in Ethiopia for the AU Summit, and immediately declared “African problems require African solutions”
Mr Sambo said as soon as President Jonathan returns from the AU they would discuss Kenya's request and agree on how to support the cause “this is a matter that will receive our favourable attention. Nigeria looks forward to greater cooperation with Kenya not only on issues that have international significance but also on those areas that will boost our social economic transformations.
The Nigerian Deputy President made the remarks at the Deputy Presidential Villa at Aso Rock, Abuja, when he made Kenya’s Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka who delivered President Mwai Kibaki’s message on deferment of the intended ICC cases.
Mr Musyoka said Kenya was seeking the indulgence of the UN Security Council in order to secure the postponement of the intended prosecution of six Kenyans before the ICC at the Hague, to pave way for local judicial process.
“We are not running away from the Rome Statutes for which we are signatories like Nigeria. Rumours that we are bent on inciting African States to pull out of the Rome Agreement are completely unfounded,” Mr Musyoka told his host.
On bilateral issues Mr Sambo confirmed that with his government’s approval having been given Kenya Airways is now free to fly directly to Abuja. KQ has hitherto only flown directly to Lagos from Nairobi.
The Nigerian Deputy President also informed Mr Musyoka that the Joint Commission for cooperation between Kenya and Nigeria was at its advanced stage of finalisation. The signing of the JCC, he said will open new frontiers for economic and social cooperation between the two cornerstone economies of east and west Africa.
At the same time Nigeria’s High Commissioner to Kenya Dr Chijioke W. Wigwe who accompanied the VP on the trip announced that the Nigerian Export Promotion Council is planning a major road show in Nairobi dubbed ‘Nollywood come to Nairobi’ to promote film industry between Kenya

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