
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mudavadi sees Ruto plans failing

By Peter Atsiaya
Elgeyo-Marakwet County
Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi says campaigns by Eldoret North MP William Ruto to push Kenyans into voting for presidential candidates below 50 years are bound to fail.
The Local Government Minister also told Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta to be wary of the scheme as he could also fall victim.
"Uhuru would be 51 years come 2012. I do not know if he is aware that his allies are also targeting him in the use of age limit on presidential candidates," said Mudavadi.
Put him in trouble
"I support campaigns to have young people in leadership positions but experience for presidential candidates is key," he added, pointing out that Ruto’s campaigns targeted Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, Internal Security minister George Saitoti and Narc-Kenya leader Martha Karua.
Mudavadi was addressing a rally at Kapcherop and Kapsowar trading centres in Marakwet County during a tour of the area on Tuesday. He was accompanied by Area MP Boaz Keino, and 30 councilors led by Marakwet County Council chairman William Chesingany, Vihiga mayor Eliud Kihusa, Kakamega County Council chairman John Shimaka and David Amaswache (Lugari).
Mudavadi told Ruto to avoid personalising issues during his campaigns saying the move would put him in trouble. His comments come after Ruto criticised Mudavadi for allegedly failing to unite the Luhya community.
"Mudavadi is mad if he says he can’t run for presidency because Luhyas are not united. He is supposed to unite them," Ruto had told a rally at Webuye. Ruto was hosted by Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa on an extensive tour of Trans Nzoia and Bungoma counties before addressing the main rally at Muliro Gardens in Webuye.


  1. ruto is a victim of fear....He cannot look at danger in the eye.He is scared fighting everyone.But he is a nice guy only if he goes quiet kidogo,he his draining himself.Fear is like AIDS it eats you slowly.

  2. I think that Ruto is the new Raila.
