
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Minister asks Kibaki to rescind nominations

Roads Minister Franklin Bett has asked President Kibaki to rescind his nomination of new names to key constitutional offices.

Mr Bett called on the President and the Prime Minister Raila Odinga to dialogue as stipulated by the Constitution and the National Accord.

"I urge the President and the Premier to save the country the sense of frustration, fear and suspicion. They should sit down as a family and consult over the matter," he added.

Speaking to The Standard at a Kericho hotel on Sunday, the minister said the two principals should begin fresh consultations on the nominations.

Last week, the President nominated Prof Githu Muigai as the new AG, Justice Alanashir Visram (Chief Justice), Kioko Kilukumi (Director of Public Prosecutions) and William Kirwa as Controller of Budget.

"We are a country governed by the law and leaders should follow procedure for the sake of peace and harmony," said Bett.

Bett said Prime Minister’s statement that there were no consultations on the nominations should not be brushed aside.

"Already, one party is complaining it was not consulted and I do not think it can complain for nothing. There were no consultations and we want the two principals to sit together and solve the problem amicably," Bett added.

The minister said he was not opposed to the nominees "but we are not happy with the process used as it contravenes the Constitution and the National Accord."

1 comment:

  1. kibaki has the mandate to appoint whatever member he fills like since the Constitution allows the president
