
Monday, December 27, 2010

Real boxing day at Nyahururu church

Nyandarua County
A church has been closed indefinitely at Karandi location of Nyahururu district after two warring factions of worshippers had a physical confrontation in the middle of a service.
The area chief, Philip Kipkorir, who was called in when tempers flared up, said he found one faction of worshipers throwing chairs at the other, which was armed with clubs and sticks at Kiambogo African Independent Pentecostal Church of Africa.
The chief said trouble begun when a group from the mother church split off and formed a faction that is headed by one Archbishop Mugeca. The original church is headed by Archbishop Samson Mwangi Gaitho.
The split affected churches at the grass root, including Kiambogo church, which has worshipers for both camps who have not been in good terms.
According to the chief, a local faithful was promoted last week to be a deacon by Bishop Julius Gitau from Rift Valley diocese of the AIPCA, which is pro Gaitho, a move that irked the rival group which did not recognise the promotion.
Remove from altar
It is said that Deacon Harrison Maina, who belongs to the Gaitho faction, was conducting the service when the rival group entered the church armed to the teeth.
The administrator said the group wanted to remove Maina from the altar by force, when his followers came to his defence, and skirmishes followed.
Maina is accused by his detractors of pledging loyalty to the head of the Rift Valley Diocese of the AIPCA, while knowing very well that the church had shifted to the Eastern Diocese when the church Summit split.
However, no arrests were made as perpetrators of violence from both camps ran away on seeing the police. The injured worshippers were treated at Karandi Health Centre and discharged.
The chief and Administration Police Officers from his camp ordered the church closed and summoned leaders of the warring factions to avail themselves in his office on Tuesday December 28 at 9am without fail.

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