
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Elders vow to back Raila for presidency in 2012

Elders from six communities have endorsed Prime Minister Raila Odinga for president in the next General Election.
The elders from Ogiek, Kikuyu, Kipsigis, Kuria, Abagusii and Abaluhya communities, who attended the coronation of the eighth Luo Council of Elders chairperson Willis Opiyo Otondi in Kisumu on Monday, described Raila as the only candidate who could bring meaningful change to Kenya, given the chance.
The patron of the Kipsigis Elders Eliud Koech said tribalism has been a hindrance to Kenya’s development. He said it was high time Kenyans supported the PM to get a "promising leadership".
"Let us stop tribalism and support Raila for president," said Koech.
He urged elders from the Kalenjin and Luo communities to ensure their people remained inseparable despite leaders’ divisive politics.
Prime Minister Raila Odinga during the coronation of the eighth Luo Council of Elders’ chair Willis Opiyo Otondi in Kisumu on Monday. The event was attended by elders from various communities. [PHOTO: JAMES KEYI/STANDARD]

"This time round we are going to give the PM support and we are asking for God’s blessing over that," he said.
His Ogiek counterpart, Kipsigut arap Lelei, said, "What Raila has done for Kenya makes him the best candidate."
‘One people, one nation’
The Abagusii Council of Elders chairperson Kenneth Matundura Araka urged Kenyans to embrace the ‘one people, one nation’ slogan to ensure tribal differences do not deter the PM from winning the 2012 presidential bid.
"We are asking Raila to take this opportune time to unite other tribes for him to win the next presidential election," he said.
"We shall move with other neighbouring communities to campaign for the PM," Kuria’s John Magaywa said.
The Kikuyu Elders’ patron Wangaru Githinji claimed the Kikuyu have the PM in mind as the next president.

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