
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Drug and graft barons are being protected

Drug and graft barons are being protected  
Blog Citizens   | Blog November 30, 2010  | Facebook

As Kenyans grapple with the onerous reality of a new dispensation and the obligations thereof, it is becoming evident that the Principals of the Grand Coalition Government are in very tight corners.

In the face of unrelenting pressure and demands that they crack the whip and drop Drug and Graft Ministers, those responsible to act seem to have been boxed into a water-tight compartment.

Instead of acting as co-leader in Government and account to parliamentary queries on Merchants of Drugs and Graf, the PM appears helpless, unwilling to act.

Kenyans are demanding decisive and swift actions on graft, not PR and political posturing.

As members of the Executive, some of us are increasingly convinced that political expediencies and brinkmanship have compromised the need for bold actions to end impunity, save our youth from dangerous drugs, and stop graft.

The PM must tell Kenyans if the Drug baron Minister is from ODM, because the PM appears jittery when ministers from his side of the coalition are caught in collusions.

As an old friend of the PM and as a member of the Executive, I must confess that I am deeply disappointed by his dithering and obvious protection of his allies caught in the act.

If Rt. Hon Raila Odinga cannot account to Parliament on a serious, grave, national issue of Graft and Drugs, instead shifting blame and responsibility to other government agencies, this will precipitate massive erosion of public confidence in Government.

President Kibaki should not wait until his partner in this Coalition consents, but in public interest, should if necessary unilaterally, crack the whip on Merchants of Impunity and restore public confidence in Government.

To give credit where due, the President appears more systemic and more committed to the fight against graft, while the PM appears to moderate his known strong position on anti-corruption standings, even calling genuine crusades “witch-hunt”.

In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jnr., “changes in the world are brought not by the adjustments of the conforming majority, but by the bold maladjustments of the nonconforming few”.

If the two Principals fail to act fast and fiercely, the 10th Parliament is overrunning Government, and justifiably so!

Kenya is yearning for greatness of leadership as embodied in the Katiba. We the leaders must midwife that greatness. We can and we must. In the words of Victor Kohl, “if not now, when, if not us, who?” Kenya is pregnant with expectations for katiba implementation.

The standoff in bunge isn’t about nominees in implementation or revenue commissions. It’s about plots and conspiracies of evil plotters. Graft and Drug barons could be at work to frustrate new law implementations.

(Kabando wa Kabando is the MP for Mukurweini and Assistant Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs)

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1 comment:

  1. A good one Mheshimiwa. Forthright! "if not now, when, if not us, who?" So even us (the public) need to condemn it!
