
Friday, December 31, 2010

The cutting edge

By THE WATCHMAN Posted Thursday, December 30 2010 at 19:45

FORGETFUL IDPs. As ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo pursues the six high-profile suspects he has fingered over the post-2007 mayhem, Maxwell Ongeta is amused to note that some of the victims, still living in squalid camps, are supporting some of those named. “What has happened to these people who have suffered so much? Shouldn’t they be thanking Ocampo for his relentless pursuit of the suspects? How fast they have forgotten their own suffering!”
ARREST THE MIX! Following the MPs’ passing on December 22 of the motion calling for Kenya’s withdrawal from the ICC, prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo should now issue arrest warrants for the suspects to show these people who the boss is, says Moses Njuguna. “That was, indeed, a sad day for Kenya. But the cheeky motion by Chepalungu MP Isaac Ruto has also shown to what extent these MPs will go to protect their own. For her lone dissenting voice, legislator Martha Karua has secured my vote when she runs for presidency.”
HELP THIS LADY. A Kajiado resident who hopes to do some good business with Safaricom starting early in the new year would like to know from the company just how long it takes for one to apply and become an M-Pesa agent. She says she has done a survey in her neighbourhood and is satisfied there’s a great need for this vital money transfer service. However, she has tried unsuccessfully to get registered, as the company’s regional representative has not been of much help. Her contact is Tel 0727564719.
I NEED MY MONEY! Despite Pensions Department public relations officer Michael J. Obonyo’s firm assurance last September that his dues were being processed and would be paid within three weeks, nothing has happened, says retiree John Ochola Mollo of P.O. Box 970, Siaya. With schools reopening in January, John, who has no other source of income, is worried that he will be unable to pay fees and his children will have to stay home while their colleagues are learning. “What do I do?” he poses.
...AND SO DO I. Could the National Social Security Fund urgently look into the plight of wheelchair-ridden Amos Njenga Kamau, who lodged his claim at their Naivasha office about two years ago and has received nothing to date? “I’ve been confined to the wheelchair due to a back problem, but I’ve been forced to make numerous visits to both the Naivasha office and the NSSF headquarters in Nairobi. However, my efforts have not yielded anything. I am desperately in need of this money.” His membership number is 221220410.
ROAD ABHORRENT. The dilapidated Flyover-Njabini road has become an impediment to public transport and also to the growth of rural business, says Paul Gachomba writing from South Kinangop. He says the coalition government, which has done a pretty good job of work of rehabilitating old roads and building new ones in various parts of the country, should go to the rescue of the South Kinangop farmers “whose perishable goods can’t reach the market in time” due to the deplorable state of the 25-kilometre stretch.
Have a smooth day, won’t you!

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