
Monday, November 29, 2010

Ruto meets Uhuru as new 2012 alliance shapes up

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Uhuru Kenyatta (left) confers with Agriculture minister William Ruto (right) during a fundraising at the Pan Afric Hotel to raise funds for the Mau Forest evicted settlers residing by the road side.  A total of 5 million shillings was raised. Looking on is Special programmes minister Naomi Shaban. PHOTO/ Fredrick Onyango
Finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta (left) with Agriculture minister William Ruto (right) during a fundraiser at Panafric Hotel, Nairobi on November 26, 2009. It is still unclear how the Kenyatta-Ruto meetings would affect a plan by the Party of National Unity coalition to have the former, Internal Security Minister Prof George Saitoti and Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka face off in a primary poll to get a single presidential candidate. Photo/FILE 
By NATION TEAM newsdesk@ke.nationmedia.comPosted Sunday, November 28 2010 at 22:33

Eldoret North MP William Ruto has met with Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta in what is being seen as a move to form a new political alliance.
The meeting in Energy minister Kiraitu Murungi’s office came on the same day Orange Democratic Movement leader Raila Odinga told party rebels, led by Mr Ruto, to quit. Mr Ruto on Sunday hinted at leaving the ODM ahead of the 2012 General Election.
Mr Kenyatta, Mr Ruto and their close allies met on Friday and discussed, among other things, “working together politically”.
Sources indicated that the leaders will hold similar meetings that may eventually see the birth of a new political alliance with the aim of capturing power in 2012.
On Sunday, Mr Odinga said Mr Ruto and his allies left ODM on their own volition. “We are not chasing people. They chased themselves. The Muslims usually say let’s marry in happiness and divorce in happiness.
“You cannot threaten to leave every now and then. Why should you be angry and issue threats? ODM is strong and is growing,” the Prime Minister told a rally at Kamukunji grounds in Kibera.
He dismissed the idea of an alliance between Kalenjins and Kikuyus saying “politics of tribalism ended a long time ago.”
“The days of divide-and-rule politics are long gone. This is a new Kenya where all the 42 tribes have equal rights. If you don’t agree with Raila Odinga’s ideology move to another party. Let us fight ideologically. ODM believes in social democracy and should be fought ideologically and not tribally.
“Don’t look at an individual but a party as a whole. It’s time for Kenya to change and end parochial politics. We should love each other as Kenyans and as one family,” the PM said.
It is still unclear how the Kenyatta-Ruto meetings would affect a plan by the Party of National Unity coalition to have the former, Internal Security Minister Prof George Saitoti and Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka face off in a primary poll to get a single presidential candidate.
An ally of Mr Ruto, Mr Joshua Kutuny, said that political and national issues were on the agenda of the meeting. But he was vague on the details of the meeting, only saying, more talks would be held in the coming days.
“We are currently concentrating on the issues that are affecting the country right now including the row over the constituencies and the commissions on the implementation of the Constitution,” Mr Kutuny said.
See more meetings
Mr Kenyatta wanted to “understand” what the issue was with the constituencies. “You are going to see more meetings taking place with Issac (Ruto) chairing a caucus to find the way forward on resolving the controversy,” Mr Kutuny said.
Rift Valley MPs have embraced the proposed new constituencies while their colleagues in central Kenya have moved to court to block them. Mr Ruto is one of two ODM deputy leaders, the other being Local Government Minister Musalia Mudavadi.
Sources indicated that the proposed alliance by Mr Ruto and Mr Kenyatta has been receiving backing from within and outside the borders.
Reports indicate that Uganda President Yoweri Museveni encouraged Mr Ruto to pursue an alliance with Mr Kenyatta. Mr Ruto met Mr Museveni during a recent visit to Kampala. Over the weekend, Mr Ruto’s allies led by Mr Kutuny said they had found a new party.
Speaking separately, Mr Ruto said youthful leaders had come together to ensure that they clinch the presidency in 2012. “Raila is chasing us from the party after we supported him in the last elections. We have options and we are going nothing short of the presidency,” he said.
Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa said that the PM had been in Ford Kenya and messed up the party. He said Mr Odinga could not be trusted. But Mr Mudavadi cautioned Mr Wamalwa against his new alliance with former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga. Mr Wamalwa, he said, should choose his friends wisely.
Reports by Oliver Mathenge, Lucas Barasa, Eric Ngobilo and Bernard Kwalia

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