
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ruto hints at new alliance

By Allan Kisia and Robert Wanyonyi
Eldoret North MP William Ruto has said he was ready to support a presidential candidate from Western Province if the region rallies behind one of its own. At the same time, former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga has endorsed Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa for the presidency.
"Time has come for generational change. It is time for the have-nots to make their bid at leadership," said Njenga.
Ruto and Njenga spoke in Bumula constituency during the burial of father to Assistant Lands Minister Wakoli Bifwoli, Protus Wakoli.
Ruto said he has no problem supporting a presidential candidate from western as long as the region is united behind that person.
The suspended Higher Education Minister told western Kenya leaders to stop guesswork when it comes to seeking leadership. He said Western and Rift Valley provinces should agree on one person to field for the top seat.
"You cannot make it on your own. Let’s all come together and we will achieve what we want," he said.
Njenga said a meeting will be held in Nairobi next month, where more on his alliance with Wamalwa and other key leaders will be unveiled.
Wamalwa sought the approval of Western Province voters to allow him seek alliances with other leaders outside the region, saying he was ready to push the youth agenda with Njenga and other like-minded leaders.
Other leadersIn attendance were Wamalwa, Cabinet Ministers Soita Shitanda and James Orengo, assistant minister Alfred Khang’ati and MPs Moses Wetangula, Simiyu Eseli, David Were, Cyrus Jirongo, John Mututho, Joshua Kutuny and Ferdinand Waititu, Former Cabinet Minister Mukhisa Kituyi was also among those who attended.
Ruto noted that Rift Valley has in the past voted overwhelmingly for candidates from other regions.
"We have voted for Uhuru Kenyatta and recently for ODM and we are now being chased away," Ruto said amid laughter. Kutuny said rebel ODM MPs should not be chased away as they have already left.
"When your son gets a wife, he moves out slowly without being pushed. We have already met our wives," he said.
Ruto claimed there were leaders who want him to end up at The Hague so that they can have an easy time chasing their political ambitions.
"Do you want to tell me all that violence Kenyans witnessed after 2007 election was planned by Ruto? I am innocent and that is why I went to The Hague," he said.
In an apparent reference to Wamalwa’s political networking, Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi told voters to choose their friends carefully.
"All those from western who have indicated that they will vie for the presidency should be careful when they choose friends. You might hold on to a branch while ascending that ladder, not knowing that it is a snake," he said.

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