
Friday, November 26, 2010

Ringera furious over drugs claims


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Justice Aaron Ringera addresses the media/Muthoni Njuki

NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov 26 - The former Director of the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission (KACC) Justice (rtd) Aaron Ringera has denied allegations that he blocked an investigation into drug trafficking in Kenya.

Mr Ringera dismissed reports in sections of the media suggesting he had been implicated in documents tabled in Parliament by Imenti Central legislator Gitobu Imanyara. The retired judge said the Hansard report did not show that the MP had referred to him.

He has threatened legal action against media outlets that dragged his name in the scandal.

"The said allegations are manifestly false, malicious and defamatory. I will seek legal redress in respect of them," he said. "I have already instructed a counsel to take up the matter against the media houses that published the said falsehoods."

Mr Imanyara had accused the KACC of inaction over a report made by a retired senior police officer detailing a drug trafficking cartel in Mombasa.

Justice Ringera said the commission had received the said report but it was never brought to his personal attention. He said he had never seen Senior Superintendent Mohammed Godana Jarrsa and he had not made any complaints directly to him.

"How then, I ask, can I be accused of blocking or frustrating an investigation, I was not aware of? That is to turn common sense on its head and defame me beyond repair," he said. "What kind of Director of KACC was I to block investigations into serious crime? Am I not being accused of aiding and abetting drug trafficking and abuse of office?"

The former anti corruption czar said his integrity was put to question and as such he would sue for defamation and seek damages.

"I uphold the highest standards of personal integrity and will always continue to do so," he said.

Following the tabling of the dossier there was uproar in the House with MPs demanding action from Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

The MPs were also demanding the naming of five senior government officials linked to drug trafficking contained in a list handed over to the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission by US ambassador Michael Ranneberger.

Those unnamed officials have been banned from travelling to the US.


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