
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Raila downplays constitutional crisis fear


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Prime Minister Raila Odinga at a past rally/FILE
NYERI, Kenya, Nov 27 - Prime Minister Raila Odinga has allayed fears of a constitutional crisis in the country following  failure by  Parliament  to endorse nominees to the Constitutional Implementation Commission and the Commission for Revenue Allocation.

The PM expressed confidence that the stalemate that occurred on Thursday night where members of Parliament declined to endorse nominees to the two commissions over the disputed 80 new constituencies will be resolved amicably.

He said: "I would like to urge Kenyans not to be alarmed by reports of a seeming constitutional crisis because we shall resolve this issue and celebrate Christmas together as one people with a common goal."

Mr Odinga was speaking on Saturday at various centres in Tetu constituency, Nyeri County where he inspected several development projects that have benefitted from the economic stimulus programme.

The PM at the same time lauded the local people for voting overwhelmingly for the new constitution in the August referendum, saying they had immensely contributed to a new dawn in Kenya.

"What we now need is the unity of all Kenyans so that we can move forward to develop this country together" he said.

The PM who toured Kagumbiri girls school, Mbabu fishponds and launched Tetu rural women's Sacco at Kiandu market said the economic stimulus programme was started to alleviate the suffering of people following the 2007 post election violence, the drought that occurred around that time and Worldwide Economic down turn.

He noted with satisfaction that funds from the programme had been put into good use in the area, saying the fish ponds had created job opportunities particularly for the youth and women.

"I'm especially happy that the youth have wholeheartedly plunged in fish farming, among other economic activities that has kept them away from mischief," he added.

The MP for Tetu F.T. Nyammo appealed to the government to help in sourcing for cold storage facilities for the fish and in its processing and marketing.

Also present was the cabinet ministers Esther Murugi, Joseph Nyaga and Anyang Nyong'o.

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