
Friday, November 26, 2010

Raila dares Ruto to quit ODM

Written By:KBC reporter,    Posted: Fri, Nov 26, 2010
Ruto's threat to quit ODM is as a result of what are perceived to be irreconcilable differences with the PM
Prime Minister Raila Odinga has dared Eldoret North MP William Ruto to leave the Orange Democratic Movement party.
The PM who spoke at an ODM Governing Council meeting at the Bomas of Kenya on Friday said that the suspended Higher Education Minister and his allies will not be allowed to hold the party to ransom and continue weakening it from within. 
Mr Odinga said the party was ready to replace them. Ruto's threat to quit ODM  is as a result of what are perceived to be irreconcilable differences with the PM.
Raila said those who ditch the party will be replaced in due course.
The ODM Party Leader said with the amendments to the party's constitution, room had been opened for the consolidation of the party through grassroots and county elections.
Mr. Odinga directed the opening of ODM offices in all the 47 Counties to known as ‘Orange House' by December this year. He said he will personally open all the County Orange House Offices beginning January 2011.
"I will personally open these offices, meet party leaders and members and hold public rallies at the County level", he said.
He announced that ODM will kick off countrywide grassroots elections in January next year to strengthen the party ahead of the 2012 General Election.
Deputy Party leader Mr. Musalia Mudavadi challenged the delegates and the party members to concentrate their efforts into ensuring that the party wins majority seats in the Counties and Parliament.
He said the Constitution now devolves power and resources to the County where weighty decisions are made and therefore ODM should ensure that they get majority of those seats.
Mr. Mudavadi who is also a Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government took issue with wrangling and divisions among party members in many of the Local Authorities where ODM has majority of Civic leaders.
"It is a pity that even in Local Authorities where we have majority of seats, incessant wrangling has caused us dearly leading to other party's taking key committee seats including Mayoral positions", he said.
He told ODM members to stop quarreling and competing against each other but should move towards cohesiveness for the betterment of the party.
During the conference, the over 350 delegates from all the 210 party branches who included Members of Parliament ratified proposed changes to the party's constitution. This means that the party will have to amend its constitution to conform it to the country's new constitution.
The PM at one time attempted to suspend Ruto over a maize scandal while he still served as Agriculture minister but President Kibaki rejected the move.
When he was recently suspended from his post as Higher Education Minister, pending determination of a case brought against him by the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission, Ruto blamed his suspension on Raila.
Their irreconcilable differences are also hinged on the desire by the two leaders' ambition for the presidency in 2012.
Others who spoke during the conference included Party National Chairman Mr. Henry Kosgey and Secretary General Prof. Anyang' Nyong'o.
In his report to the delegates, Prof. Nyong'o outlined activities of the Party's Secretariat so far saying that a lot had been achieved but more work needs to be done.
He said the Secretariat had established a Communication Department which will purely deal with Public Relations and Publicity of the party as it prepares for the 2012 General Elections.
He urged party members and officials to support the Secretariat's efforts to ensuring smooth running of party activities to the satisfaction of its members.
Mr. Kosgey said ODM was the party to beat in 2012 and asked members to remain steadfast in the party.
He said, full participation of party members in its activities was the only way the party would be build ahead of the 2012 General Elections.
65 Members of Parliament including 15 Cabinet Ministers were in attendance.
Meanwhile, the PM has challenged parliament to play its role effectively in the implementation of the new constitution.
Raila said Kenyans will hold parliament responsible if the implementation process is derailed.
He said reforms in government institutions can only be achieved through the full implementation of the constitution. He warned MPs against derailing the process for their selfish interests.
The premier urged ODM legislators to forge strategic alliances with grand coalition partners and move forward in a bi- partisan manner.

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