
Sunday, November 28, 2010

MP hands drug dossier to Raila


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NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov 28 - Imenti Central MP Gitobu Imanyara now claims that several cabinet ministers are involved in an international drug tracking syndicate.

He claims to have handed the list containing the names to Prime Minister Raila Odinga after meeting him on Sunday in a Nairobi hotel.

Mr Imanyara said that he will be tabling the names in Parliament on Wednesday.

“That is the information that I have given to the PM to follow up and make it public.  I have given him specific names, ranks, addresses and telephone numbers which I will also declare them in Bunge but they are senior government officials,” he said.

He further claimed to have facilitated a telephone conversation between former Senior Superintendent Mohammed Godana Jarsa and the PM during this afternoon meeting.

The Imenti Central MP accused the Police of trying to cover up the matter citing Saturday’s attempt by the Police Spokesman to absolve high ranking police officers of any blame in the drug syndicate.

The MP said SSP Godana had some time last year gone to him for assistance, accompanied by some journalists and police officers

He said: “It came to me as a matter of shock that the Police Spokesman purported to exonerate all polices officers of any wrongdoing. One wonders what kind of investigations begin with exoneration of key suspects.”

The legislator also accused the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) of abetting the trade in narcotics by clearing a consignment of 3,000 bags of Vietnamese rice to be imported to the country only for them to turn out to be hard drugs.

“This is an international syndicate, it’s an international crime if the Kenyan government does not take action there are other avenues that we will take action,” Mr Imanyara vowed.

Mr Imanyara demanded that the government offers protection to SSP Godana saying he was willing to disclose his whereabouts to the PM.

“I want to assure the Police Commissioner that I don’t intend to take the word of Mr Kiraithe seriously until I hear action has been taken,” he said.

The Imenti Central MP tabled documents in Parliament Wednesday detailing how a junior police officers, who had uncovered the activities of serious drugs cartels at the Coast, was fired from following orders from powerful forces.

Another police officer, who was in charge of criminal investigations at the port of Mombasa, a Mr Abdullahi was shot dead by criminals suspected to have links to powerful drug cartels, the MP claimed.

SSP Godana had stumbled upon 24 containers of hard drugs, probably cocaine disguised as rice imported from Vietnam as he conducted investigations into drug cartels at the Port of Mombasa.

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