
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Kibaki appoints new army chief


President Kibaki rang several changes in the military appointing Lieutenant General Njuki Mwaniki as the new Kenya Army Commander.

He replaces Lt Jackson Tuwei who is currently on terminal leave pending retirement.

In the changes announced on Thursday following a meeting of the National Defence Council, the President who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, retained General Jeremiah Kianga as the Chief of General Staff.

Lt General Julius Karangi remains the Vice- CGS while Major-General Harold Tangai and Major-General Samson Mwathethe were retained as Air Force and Navy commanders.

The President has also promoted Major-General J Kasaon to a Lt-General who now becomes the new commandant of the elite National Defence College.

Before his elevation, Kasaon was the Senior directing staff at NDC. The immediate former commandant of NDC Lt- Gen Jones Mutwii has been retired.

The new Commandant of the Defence Staff College is Major-General J Otieno who replaces Major-General Charlie Mwanzia who is also on terminal leave.

Major-General LM Ngondi was appointed the General officer Commanding Eastern Command, replacing Major-General Maurice Oyugi whose fate is not known.

Major-General Simeon Karanja remains the General Commanding (GOC) Western Command.

The promotion

The new Assistant Chief of General Staff Personnel and Logistics is Major-Gen G O Kihalangwa replacing Major-General Enock Sasia who was recently forced to resign following procurement queries in the military.

Major-General F K Nthenge becomes the ACGS based at the Defence headquarters.

Brigadier B Y Haji, who until on Thursday was the Commandant Kenya Military Academy in Lanet, has been promoted to a Major-General, and now becomes a Senior Directing Staff at NDC.

Colonel S Nandwa, who has also been elevated to a Brigadier, has replaced him.

Col R K Mbithi who has been pursuing studies at NDC has been promoted to Brigadier and appointed Commander Kenya Army Corp Signals.

Colonel A M K Ikenye has been promoted to Brigadier and appointed Commandant Armed Forces Memorial Hospital.

Other changes are Col G O Owino promoted to Brig and appointed Commander Engineers Brigade, and Col J M Ondieki promoted to Brigadier and appointed Commander 6th Brigade.

Others promoted to Brigadier are Col G G Kabugi, Col J N Kavisi, and Col P K Magut.

The President also made changes in the Air Force, promoting Col S K Njunge to a Brigadier and appointing him as the Deputy Commander.

Col S N Thuita has been promoted to Brigadier and appointed Chief of Strategy/Plans/Policy DHQ OPD&T, while in the Navy, Col L F Mghalu has been promoted to Brigadier and appointed Chief TRADOC.

1 comment:

  1. I thank God for the promotion/appointment of Lt. Gen. Mwaniki, for God has put him in that place with a divine purpose. Praise the Lord!

    In the military, there is an old saying,"salute the rank not the person. I salute Lt. Gen. Mwaniki, In Jesus Name; Amen!
