
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kenya leader attends Kikwete's ceremony

President Mwai Kibaki was Saturday among regional and continental leaders who joined thousands of Tanzanians at a colourful swearing in ceremony of President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete for a second and last five year term of office at uhuru Stadium in Dar-Es-Salaam.
Among those who attended the colourful ceremony which included a 21 gun salute and a military parade are South African President Jacob Zuma, President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, President Joseph Kabila of DRC, King Mswati III of Swaziland, Rupiah Banda of Zambia and Ugandan first deputy Prime Minister Eriya Kategaya - who is also the Minister for East Africa.
President Kikwete was declared the winner after garnering 5,276,827 votes, representing 61.17 per cent of all votes cast.
In his address, President Jakaya Kikwete, emphasized that it was his Government singular desire to perform and deliver to the Tanzanian people development pledges made during the campaigns period.
Noting that he was ready to take the nation to the next level of development, President Kikwete urged Tanzanians regardless of their political affiliation to join him in building a country that avails equal opportunities to all and where everyone was proud to call home.
President Kikwete also thanked the people of Tanzania for demonstrating unwavering trust on him and the country's ruling Party Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and promised to serve the nation with diligence so as to tackle various challenges that facing them.
During the colourful event President Kikwete was presented with both national and traditional symbols of leadership as the ecstatic crowd cheered on.
Later Kibaki joined other Heads of State and Government for a state luncheon hosted by their host President Jakaya Kikwete at Dar-Es-Salaam State House gardens.
President Kibaki was accompanied by the Minister for Internal Security and Provincial Administration who is also the acting Foreign Affairs Minister Prof. George Saitoti, East African Community Minister Prof. Hellen Sambili, Head of Public Service and Secretary to the Cabinet Francis Muthaura and acting Foreign affairs Permanent Secretary ambassador Patrick Wamoto among other senior Government officials.
Kikwete, 60, was declared on Friday by the Tanzania National Electoral Commission as the winner of the 2010 presidential election for another five-year term.
The commission dismissed claims of irregularities in the count.
The main opposition leader, Willibrod Slaa, had called for a vote recount, but the commission said there were not enough irregularities to change the final result.

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