
Monday, November 8, 2010

Kenya: 26 MPs call for fairness in war on graft


Twenty-six MPs including Deputy Speaker Farah Maalim have called for impartiality on the war against graft.

Although they are in agreement with the demand by Kenyans on Government to fight corruption, they warned the process should not be used to target perceived enemies.

They also challenged ministers being investigated by the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission to resign.

In a statement signed under the Bi-Partisan Caucus, the MPs said the resignations would allow proper, speedy and unimpeded investigation to determine if the affected ministers were clean or otherwise.

"The fight against corruption follows directly from Chapter 6 of the Constitution, which focuses on leadership and integrity.

We call upon President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to drop any minister who does not volunteer to step aside," they said.


Pressure on Ngilu

The statement included the signature of Laikipia East MP Mwangi Kiunjuri, who is pushing for the resignation of Water Minister Charity Ngilu, alleging high-level corruption in her ministry.

Other signatories included Northern Kenya Development Minister Mohammed Elmi, Ekwe Ethuro (Turkana Central), Adan Keynan (Wajir West) and Nominated MP Amina Abdallah, among others.

"The war on graft cuts across party lines and must not be politicised by targeting particular individuals or groups. We feel some of us have found a weapon to fight those they think are their enemies," they said.

In recent weeks, top Government officials have been forced to step aside to pave way for investigation after their names came up in connection to shady deals.

These include Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetang’ula and PS Thuita Mwangi.

The MPs called on Kenyans to join in the fight against corruption to help secure the future wellbeing of the nation.

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