
Monday, November 15, 2010

Karua scoffs at poll rating, vows to soldier on

Kenya's presidential hopeful Martha Karua has dismissed the latest ratings by Synovate Pan Africa saying that the pollster only seeks to frustrate her ambitions for the highest office.
Speaking in Meru the former Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister claimed that some pollsters were being paid to tilt the popularity in favour of some presidential aspirants.
"The ratings will not deter me from marching to the end.† I will not be discouraged from my resolve to gun for the presidency. Nothing will stop me," said the Gichugu MP.
The latest ratings by Synovate Pan Africa rated Ms Karua at six percent, the lowest compared to Prime Minister Raila Odinga who was ahead of the pack at 48 percent, Uhuru Kenyatta at 14 percent, vice President Kalonzo Musyoka 12 percent and Eldoret North MP William Ruto at 10 percent.
She once again challenged cabinet ministers and top government officials tainted in corruption to step aside to allow for investigations instead of chest thumping and declaring that they will not leave office.
The former minister later presided over a funds drive in aid of St Joseph Mucecune Catholic Church in Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi’s constituency.
Karua said the party will early next year re-launch its manifesto and will amend its constitution to conform the leadership to the county government as envisaged in the new Constitution, which she noted would end impunity and bad governance in the country.
The Gichugu legislator Narc Kenya is keen to capture Kirinyaga central parliamentary seat in the by election to add to Makadara and Juja to prove pundits wrong that the party was not formidable enough to win the general elections on its own.

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