
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kalonzo warns Parliament may be dissolved


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VOI, Kenya, Nov 29 - Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has warned that the life of current Parliament may be cut short unless the current stalemate on the Constitution Implementation Commission is not resolved soon.

The Vice President who is also the leader of Government business said Parliament is in an awkward position after they rejected a list of nominees to two crucial Constitution Commissions.

The Vice President said if there would be no truce in the next one week then the life of the current Parliament would be cut short.

He said President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga had agreed on the nominees of the two commissions and it’s the Parliament’s duty to pass the names.

“If Parliament cannot pass the nominees of the two commissions next week Kenyans, might go to court and it will be the end of the current Parliament,” noted the Mwingi North MP.

Mr Musyoka was speaking in Voi town when he presided over a funds drive in aid of the on-going Taita-Taveta Diocese development projects.

He was accompanied by area MP Dan Mwazo and area Diocese Bishop Reverend Dr Samson Mwaluda, Coast PC Ernest Munyi among other leaders.

“We know there is a dispute over the Interim Independent Boundary Review Commission and the embattled chairman Andrew Ligale and his team have a tremendous job to create additional constituencies. There will be a political truce among MPs to resolve the issue next week,” Mr Kalonzo assured Kenyans.

At the same time the Vice President disclosed that the African Development Bank has pledged to spend about Sh8 billion to tarmac the dilapidated Voi-Taveta road next year.

This comes after area residents and Matatu Owners Association demonstrated and blocked the Nairobi-Mombasa highway to protest at the poor state of the Voi-Mwatate-Wundanyi and Mwatate-Taveta roads two weeks ago.   

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