
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wetang'ula took the right step under new order, says Raila

Prime Minister Raila Odinga has praised besieged former Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetang'ula for opting to step aside.

The PM said the Government is committed to fighting corruption, but warned Members against conducting a witch-hunt.

He said this might instill fear in civil servants and affect service delivery. Raila also thanked the Parliamentary Committee on Defence and Foreign Relations for a good job.

"We are not just talking, we want to act to see there is probity in Government," he said.

He added: "I am happy the minister has led by example and stepped aside to allow investigations."

Minister Moses Wetang'ula (centre) after stepping down.

The Premier said the new Constitution had changed the way of doing things and people must realise that.

"Kenya has changed and it is time for us to act in accordance with the new Constitution," said the PM, as Parliament adopted the committee’s report that called on Wetang’ula and PS Thuita Mwangi to step aside.

Raila said Parliament must play its watchdog role and called for a reasonable threshold to call for resignation.

"I offer Parliament a hand of co-operation, but let us not act the role of the Shylock in the Merchant of Venice," he said.

Imenti Central MP Gitobu Imanyara said ministers named in graft reports should not wait until they are tabled. He also called for resignation of ministers associated with the raid on the Standard Group in 2006.

Personal gains

"We want the Artur Brothers report and those named to resign," he said.

Gichugu MP Martha Karua asked the Government to be proactive in the fight against corruption and called for a review of the Powers and Privileges Act to incorporate punitive actions on MPs who misuse committees for personal gains.

"Please don’t let us mention names here, please take action. We all have to leave our comfort zones, otherwise we will be fraudsters," said Karua.

Lands Minister James Orengo said public officers must uphold integrity and it is unfortunate some leaders still run to their communities and parties when accused of corruption.

Justice Minister Mutula Kilonzo, Transport Minister Amos Kimunya and Nominated MP Millie Odhiambo called for a threshold to ensure public officers are not unfairly targeted.

— Stories by Peter Opiyo and Beauttah Omanga

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