
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Row erupts over Kenya county headquarters

Politicians and other leaders in the newly-created counties are arguing over the location of the counties’ headquarters. Photo/FILE

By NATIOn team
Posted Friday, October 22 2010 at 22:20

Controversy has erupted in 10 counties in different parts of the country over the location of the headquarters of the newly-created administrative units.

Among the affected counties are Kilifi and Taita Taveta in Coast; Nyandarua, Kiambu and Murang’a in Central; Bungoma in Western; Siaya in Nyanza; and Marakwet and Baringo in Rift Valley.

Politicians and other leaders in the newly-created counties are arguing over the location of the counties’ headquarters in relation to the available infrastructure or the history of the towns they prefer.


Controversy has erupted over the location of the headquarters for the Baringo County. Residents, including local leaders, are divided over the issue. They are torn between having the headquarters in Kabarnet or Marigat townships. The rift seems to be widening by the day.

Higher Education assistant minister Asman Kamama (Baringo East MP) has been at the forefront of those in favour of Marigat alongside the outspoken nominated MP Musa Sirma. On the other hand is a group of MPs and local leaders mainly from Baringo Central and Baringo constituencies who want Kabarnet to be declared the headquarters owing to its rich history.

Kabarnet was the headquarters of the old Baringo District before it was split into two in 1996, leading to the birth of Koibatek District. It was further split recently, paving way for the creation of Marigat District and Mogotio District. Though Marigat is less-developed compared to Karbarnet, those in support of it claim that the town has huge potential for expansion.


Sharp differences have emerged over the location of the Elgeiyo Marakwet County headquarters, with local professionals rooting for a central and convenient location. Iten Town in Keiyo District – which is supposed to be the county headquarters, according to the new Constitution – has attracted mixed reactions at various forums in the area.

Those opposed to it suggest Chebiemit trading centre to be the headquarters as it is in a central position and perhaps most convenient to local residents. “Either Chebiemit trading centre or Kapsowar Town would be most appropriate because they have room for expansion, argues Mr Ben Ruto Simba, the chairman of Marakwet professionals.

Iten Town has little space for expansion, it also has perennial water problems and extreme cold weather conditions, added the chairman. Mr Abraham Talel, a Kenya Revenue Authority assistant commissioner who has declared interest in the governor’s post, said locals should accept Iten Town and challenge local leaders to decentralise activities the county government.

NAROK County

The formation of Narok County has raised controversy over the location of the headquarters, with residents of Trans Mara finding themselves between a rock and a hard place.

Narok Town is the ideal choice given its established infrastructural development. The situation has been complicated by the fact that the two districts are separated by the expansive Maasai Mara Game Reserve, which does not have a throughway except narrow earth roads within it.

To move from Kilgoris to the proposed headquarters, Narok Town, one has to travel for hundreds of kilometres through the following three counties: Kisii, Nyamira and Bomet. This was the main reason why many voters in Kilgoris voted against the new Constitution.

“We feared it would take us back to Narok, which we used to do before 1994 when our district was carved out,” said Mr Daniel Saitai, the Poroko ward councillor. Other residents contacted by the Saturday Nation, however said they did not find any problem with the location because “Narok was nearer than Nairobi”.


Wrangling over the county headquarters is gradually taking centre stage in Taita Taveta as a clique of politicians are ganging up to drum up support for Voi as the central place for the four constituencies. Some want the county administative centre to be based in Mwatate while others say Wundanyi is the ideal place.

“Based on the geographical setting of the place, I think Mwatate can be more cntral for those coming from Wundanyi, Taveta and Voi districts,” said former minister Marsden Madoka. Education assitant minister Calist Mwatela said Mwatate is ideal since it has enough room for expansion.

But former Voi MP Boniface Mganga wants the county to be administered from Voi, saying it was easily accessible and had all it takes for infrastractural development.

Mr Madoka and other former MPs Mwandawiro Mghanga and Mashengu wa Mwachofi have declared their interest in the senatorship while former Public Service assistant minister Boniface Mganga is gunning for the governorship. The arrangement has elicited an uproar from young professionals living both at home and in the Diaspora.


Leaders in Bungoma County are yet to agree on the location of the administrative headquarters, even as various leaders and professionals express interest in the key positions created by the new laws.

The Saboat from Mt Elgon and the Tachoni from Webuye want the headquarters to be in a central place, where they can access services easily. But the dominant Bukusu community insists that Bungoma, being the headquarters of the current Upper Western region and the oldest administrative town, should be made the headquarters.

Bungoma Town was the headquarters of the larger Bungoma District, which covered all the constituencies in the county. But the two marginalised communities that have been holding consultative meetings say they prefer the headquarters to be in a central place, preferably Kimilili or Webuye towns.

The two towns, however, are poor in terms of infrastructure development compared to Bungoma Town. Mr Richard Iyaya, the national scouting director who hails from the county, said there is need to agree on the location so that development projects kick off.

SIAYA County

Residents of Siaya and Bondo districts have differed over the location of the Siaya County headquarters ahead of the 2012 General Election. Local leaders from Siaya District, led by Siaya county council chairman Aggrey Onyango, have opposed the move by a section of leaders from Bondo to have the county headquarters moved to Bondo Town.

When proposals to move the headquarters were made last month at a funeral of the son of a prominent politician, leaders from Siaya District opposed the plan. “We do not want to be dragged into selfish politics. What we want is for the headquarters of Siaya county to remain where it is currently situtated,” said Mr Onyango.

Bondo county council chairman Akelo Gwela, on his part, downplayed the issue, saying those pushing for the Siaya county headquarters to be moved were playing cheap politics and do not represent the views of Bondo residents. Mr Gwela said they are ready to oppose whoever comes out openly to propose the change, arguing that Siaya Town serves as the focal point for the five constituencies.


In Kiambu, leaders are lobbying for the centre of administration to be located either in Githunguri, Kiambu and Thika towns. But the majority of residents want the headquarters to be in Kiambu Town since it bears the name of the county.

Former Defence minister Njenga Karume, who is yet to engage in the debate publicly, is expected to lobby for Kiambu Town, which is also his backyard. After Kiambu East District was divided into Githunguri and Kiambaa districts, Mr Karume engaged leaders in a debate calling for Kiambaa District to be named Kiambu to retain the name.

The same its expected to happen. Besides being the original headquarters of the larger Kiambu District that included Thika, Kiambu and parts of Muran’ga, Kiambu is said to be the central place that would be convenient to people from the various constituencies under it.

Kiambu County includes Kiambaa, Kikuyu, Limuru, Lari, Juja, Githunguri, Gatundu North and South. Kiambu Town was also the headquarters of the Kiambu county council, which hosted councillors from Thika and Kiambu. Despite the creation of new districts, many people from all the constituencies in the area still visit Kiambu Town for government services.

The largest hospital in the county, Kiambu District Hospital, is also in Kiambu Town. But Kiambu county council chairman Macdonald Goko, a councillor from Githiga in Githunguri, feels Githunguri Town is the best location, although it lacks infrastructure.

Mr Goko said residents of Kikuyu, Limuru, Kiambu, Thika and Ruiru will find it easy to get to Githunguri Town. “Githunguri is the best place because it’s at the centre of the eight constituencies but because we have poor infrastructure we shall go with Kiambu,” he said.


Nyandarua leaders are sharply divided over the location of the county headquarters, with Nyahururu Town being highly favoured against less-developed neighbouring Ol Kalou, where a Sh50 million district headquarters was recently opened by President Kibaki.

Nyandarua North leaders, Ndaragwa MP Jeremiah Kioni, former MP Muchiri Gachara and former Nyandarua county council chairman John Matheri want the regional headquarters to be retained in Nyahururu. Mr Matheri noted that Nyahururu had been developed by farmers from the larger Nyandarua region, with the council headquarters and a housing estate constructed within the town that is administratively under Laikipia County.

In a meeting convened in Nyahururu by the leaders, speakers said there was no way anyone would discuss Nyandarua matters without mentioning Nyahururu, adding that it was just a matter of President Kibaki issuing a decree to revert the county boundary to its former position.

But Transport minister Amos Kimunya, Kinangop MP David Ngugi, former Ol Kalou MP Muriuki Karue and former Kinangop MP Waithaka Mwangi said that Ol Kalou should be the headquarters. Nyahururu, initially a town in Nyandarua, was hived off in the early eighties via a decree issued by then President Daniel arap Moi.

The move saw Nyandarua being administratively run from Nyahururu while Nanyuki remained the district headquarters for Laikipia, thereby overseeing administrative issues in Nyahururu. “We even have the New KCC factory in Nyahururu and Pyrethrum Board of Kenya Central Western headquarters in Nyahururu. Our security chief also operates from Nyahururu,” said Mr Matheri.


Debate has intensified in Kilifi County over where to set up its headquarters – Kilifi or Malindi? Various leaders have come up with different reasons on why Kilifi or Malindi is suitable for the headquarters.

What comes out clearly is that those living near Kilifi want the county centre close to them, while those in the far north want the headquarters placed in the tourist haven of Malindi. Malindi MP Gideon Mung’aro said the headquarters should “automatically” be in Malindi since it has better infrastructure and fast-paced development.

“Malindi is already way ahead of Kilifi in terms of infrastructure. Look at the buildings housing senior government officers, look at the residential places and other facilities. Making it the headquarters is the obvious thing to do,” he said. The MP said that Malindi has an airport, ultra-modern court premises and a new administration block.

It has bigger local authority offices, the Malindi Municipal Council Hall and the County Council Complex, he added. “There is the modern bus park, the hotels and many more activities. It is economically advanced and an up-coming cosmopolitan city,” he said. However, he said that opinion of the majority players in the county should prevail.

Apart from these advantages, Malindi is home to a robust tourism sector with the historical Vasco da Gama Pillar, Gedi Ruins, the Arabuko Sokoke Forest and several five-star tourist hotels. But the Malindi Residents Forum administrative officer, Mr Kashero Chinyaka, and project consultant and women leader Beatrice Gambo have different views and feel that Kilifi is better placed to be the headquarters.

“In terms of logistics, Kilifi is more central. Imagine people from Kaloleni, Ganze, Bamba, Mariakani and all those areas having to travel to Malindi. That’s a long way. We need to make the headquarters more convenient and accessible to the majority and Bahari and Kaloleni constituencies have bigger populations,” argued Ms Gambo, adding that Kilifi already has a university college and an airstrip.


During celebrations held last month to usher in the new county, politicians and professionals from the area failed to agree on a suitable location for the headquarters. A section of residents and leaders prefer Murang’a Town, which has traditionally served as the headquarters for the Murang’a county, while others prefer Kenol Town in Maragua constituency.

The meeting at Ihura Stadium in Murang’a Town, which was called by professionals and business people from the area, failed to reach agreement over the various posts provided for by the new Constitution in the county and where it would be administrated from.

Those in attendance, led by Planning assistant minister Peter Kenneth, urged local leaders not to argue over the location of the county headquarters, saying it would ultimately be decided by the people. “Let us not be divided over where the district headquarters will be because we have not even met and decided,” he said.

A group of youths carried a banner around the venue of the meeting saying that the county would be located in Murang’a Town, arguing that it was the people’s choice. The Murang’a County has seven constituencies and some leaders want the new headquarters to be located in their areas.

There is a section that prefers Maragua constituency, which is seen as a more central location. Mr Kenneth called for unity of the people of Murang’a County on the matter.

Reported by Philemon Suter, Julius Sigei, Jonathan Manyindo, Erick Ngobilo, Eric Wainaina, James Kariuki, John Njagi, Daniel Nyassy and Noah Cheploen



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