
Monday, October 25, 2010

Raila blamed for IDPs’ woes

Suspended Higher Education Minister William Ruto addresses residents in Turbo, Eldoret North Constituency on October 24, 2010. Photo/JARED NYATAYA

Posted Sunday, October 24 2010 at 22:35

Suspended Cabinet minister William Ruto on Sunday blamed Prime Minister Raila Odinga for delaying the resettlement of internally displaced persons.

The Eldoret North MP, accompanied by four other lawmakers, questioned why IDPs, including the Mau evictees, were suffering yet the Lands ministry was holding Sh3.6 billion meant to buy alternative land for them.

“Some people in government have refused to fast-track the resettlement simply because they want to use it as bait for votes in the next General Election. It is sad that land, especially for the Mau evictees, had been identified,” said Mr Ruto.

He said although they were happy with the government’s pledge to resettle IDPs, he blamed Mr Odinga for the plight of Mau evictees. He said he was behind the delays, “for he was opposed to their compensation from the beginning.”

He was speaking at Kiruiyeki Africa Inland Church in Turbo, Eldoret North, during a funds drive in aid of the church.

With him were MPs Zakayo Cheruiyot (Kuresoi), Benjamin Lang’at (Ainamoi), Isaac Ruto (Chepalungu) and Moses Lesonet of Eldama Ravine.

In Mbita, Immigration minister Otieno Kajwang’ asked Mr Ruto to carry his own cross and stop dragging the PM in his woes.

He also dared the suspended minister and his allies to go ahead with their threats of a censure motion against Mr Odinga.

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