
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kalonzo - Goodluck

Kenya's Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and President Goodluck Jonathan in Abuja during a fundraising dinner and launch of the President's campaign strategy at Abuja International Conference Centre on Friday evening.

Posted Saturday, October 30 2010 at 21:23

Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka is engaged in a strong campaign to build an international network crucial to his 2012 presidential ambitions.

The VP travelled to Nigeria October 26 to the attend a National Prayer Breakfast that coincided with the celebrations of the country’s 50th anniversary of independence.

But the ODM Kenya leader, used the visit to cement political rapport with President Goodluck Jonathan on whom he paid a courtesy call before joining him again for dinner at Aso Rock, the presidential residence in Abuja.

On Friday, the VP also attended a fundraising dinner for President Jonathan and the launch of his multi-platform campaign strategy that served as a crucial lesson ahead of 2012.

“Mr Musyoka rode in the same car with his host to the international conference centre, arriving to a rousing welcome by ecstatic Jonathan supporters and entered the glittering mega hall adorned with huge banners of President Jonathan and his running mate Alhajj Namadi Sambo,” a statement from the Vice-Presidential Press Service said.

The fundraiser was attended by hundreds of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) supremos, senators, governors, MPs and captains of Nigerian industry.

Evening event

During the four-hour evening event, millions of naira were raised despite the fact that Nigerian electoral law caps individual donations at one million naira. President Jonathan, who faces an election in April, unveiled his campaign and fundraising platforms.

The Nigerian leader, known for using Facebook, Twitter and SMSs to reach out to his supporters, also has an online donation service, a zonal mobilisation structure as well as branded campaign giveaways.

Mr Musyoka congratulated President Jonathan on the launch after the event, adding that by using the social networking platforms, he was sure to reach the youth.

Earlier at State House, Mr Musyoka held discussions with President Jonathan on the need for a joint commission on cooperation as well as the issue of Kenya Airways being allowed direct flights to Abuja. The national carrier only flies to Lagos, the commercial capital.

The two leaders acknowledged that Kenya and Nigeria need to do more to increase the level of trade between the two countries. The VP said Kenya could also benefit from cut- lowers, tea and coffee exports to Nigeria.

The VP also visited the Nigeria House of Senate where he was received by Senate President David A. B. Mark and also attended a session of the House of Representatives.

On Sunday, the VP is expected to travel to South Korea where he will address the Global Scouts Parliamentary Association before returning to Kenya later this week. The VP has also visited China, Iran, Tanzania, Sudan and the Cayman Islands in the recent past.

Kenya has maintained warm relations with West African countries and particularly considers Nigeria a strategic trade partner. Africa’s most populous country is rich in oil, and key politicians in the region have been establishing networks crucial to fundraising in the country.

In an address to the national prayer breakfast meeting in Abuja on October 28, Mr Musyoka said the fight against corruption and bad governance in Africa could only be won through strong leadership.

The VP said that the only outstanding challenge for now was the fight against poverty which should be combated by working hard to create investment opportunities in agriculture, commerce, manufacturing, service sector and technology.

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