
Monday, September 27, 2010

Sonko watches as his men rough up DJ

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 27 - Makadara MP-elect Mike Sonko is on the spot after his bodyguards allegedly attacked a Nairobi based Disc Jockey (DJ) "for blocking the road."

The incident occurred on Saturday at 9.30pm as Capital FM's DJ Leo who was accompanied by his eight-year-old niece and a friend stopped at a bus stop in Buruburu estate to pick up two colleagues.

"I was on my way to Black Diamond for a gig and had just picked up my two colleagues at the stage… I heard a car hooting at me from behind but did not pay attention. About 100 metres from the stage, there is a bump. When I slowed down to go over the bump a car blocked me, and two men with guns jumped out," DJ Leo told Capital in the Morning show.

He says they were all forced out of the car before Sonko's men allegedly proceeded to rough him up.

"My friend was told to lie down and the little girl was standing there shaking…. The whole thing took about five minutes. The men hit me and kept on asking why I was blocking mheshimiwa's (honourable MPs) car," he said.

"They hit my chest and others were slapping me, one of the bouncers identified me and asked the others to stop hitting me," he said.

Mr Sonko has apologised over the incident but maintained that his bodyguards did not rough up DJ Leo.

"They were all drunk (DJ Leo and his group) but as soon as he identified himself, I apologised and shook his hand, it was not my wish to act that fast but it was just because of my own security," he said.

But DJ Leo disputes Mr Sonko's allegations saying that he is a teetotaller.

"You all know that I don't drink, I'm a staunch Muslim and all those who have attended my gigs know this is a fact. After the incident he (Sonko) said "chunga, hii ni Nairobi utakufa" (watch out this is Nairobi, you could get killed), DJ Leo said.

Sonko had apologised on his Facebook wall after it was flooded with messages following the incident. The post was later pulled down.!/pages/Mike-Sonko/

"I have recorded a statement at the Buruburu police station and it's now up to the wheel of justice to take its course," DJ Leo said.

Sonko won the Makadara seat in a by-election on Monday last week flooring heavyweights Reuben Ndolo of ODM and PNU's Dick Wathika.

He is set to be sworn in after Parliament resumes business this week.


  1. where did the fool acquire all these powers that people should identify themselves to him? Ati "we tried to overtook them several times"!!! LMAO!!!
    Ndiyo hapo ni nairobi and its him who will die! First thing the police should do is reposess all his guns!
