
Thursday, September 30, 2010

PNU plans for Wajir South in disarray

Posted Wednesday, September 29 2010 at 20:03

The PNU coalition’s preparations for next month’s Wajir South by-election have been thrown into disarray by a decision by Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka’s ODM-Kenya to field its own candidate.

Mr Musyoka has announced that the party will pull all the stops and campaign for its candidate in the October 13 by-election to recapture the seat it lost in 2007.

The seat fell vacant after Abdirahman Ali Hassan’s election was nullified by a petition.

Mr Hassan won the seat on a Kanu ticket, an affiliate of the PNU coalition.

Sources within the party say there is a lot of disquiet, especially after PNU secretary general Kiraitu Murungi said the coalition will support the incumbent.

“You should not be surprised to see Uhuru Kenyatta, who is Kanu chairman, and the VP campaigning for different candidates in Wajir South,” a coalition member who did not wish to be named said.

The issue is reported to be on the agenda of a meeting expected this week to try and restore order in the coalition. The meeting has not yet been called.

Fresh wrangles broke out in the PNU after its dismal performance in by-elections in Makadara, Juja and Starehe a week ago.
PNU has won only two of 10 by-elections since 2008.

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