
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Parties agree on team to implement Constitution

By David Ochami, Peter Opiyo and Alex Ndegwa 

Political Parties have agreed on the sharing out of seats in a crucial committee to oversee the implementation of the new Constitution.

ODM will have 14 and PNU 13 MPs in the Constitutional Implementation Oversight Committee (CIOC), which will monitor implementation.

The new committee, which succeeds the PSC on Constitutional Review, will monitor the work of the envisaged Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC).

On Tuesday, acting Government Whip Johnstone Muthama told The Standard the PNU coalition had agreed on names of representatives.

PNU and affiliates shared positions as follows: PNU has four representatives, ODM-Kenya (3), small parties (3), Kanu (2) and Narc-Kenya (1).

respective lists

VP Kalonzo Musyoka, PNU Secretary-General Kiraitu Murungi and Kinangop MP David Ngugi, on behalf of small parties, signed respective lists.

However, Kanu and Narc-Kenya were yet to submit names of their nominees by last evening.

MPs had only agreed on Mandera Central MP Mohammed Abdikadir and Budalang’i MP Ababu Namwamba, whom they had picked as chairman and vice-chairman.

To adhere to the 30-per cent gender rule, it is understood seven members of the committee would be women.

The PNU Whip and his ODM counterpart Jakoyo Midiwo were expected to submit the nominees to the 27-member committee last evening at a meeting of the House Business Committee for ratification.

It was unclear whom ODM had picked, it is in Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s party where controversy has raged because strong forces within the party want Higher Education Minister William Ruto and Chepalungu MP Isaac Ruto sidelined for opposing the new Constitution, and rebelling against the official party position.

Mr Midiwo has been emphatic that MPs who campaigned against the new laws should not expect positions in the new committee.

At the same time, Ikolomani MP Bonny Khalwale failed in his attempt to have the Chair order the specific date on which a Bill to establish the CIC should be tabled in the House.

Khalwale accused the Government of delaying the Bill. Deputy Speaker Farah Maalim said responsibility to schedule Bills was vested in HBC.

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