
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Kenya re-affirms resolve to cooperate with ICC

Written By:Irene Muchuma, Posted: Sun, Sep 05, 2010

The government of Kenya on Sunday said it would not backtrack in its resolve to cooperate with the International Criminal Court in bringing perpetrators of post election violence to book.

Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi said the culture of impunity must come to an end as the ground work is laid down for the prosecution of key players in the violence that rocked the country in 2008 following the disputed results of the 2007 general elections.

Last week Kenya signed 16 MOU articles, paving way for ICC to set up base in the country to follow up on the perpetrators of the violence that left more than one thousand people dead and over 350 000 displaced.

But even as the government re-affirms its commitment in cooperating with the international court many feel ICC is being used by outside forces to bully Kenya.

The court has already identified 396 witnesses some of whom are being protected by the court.

The ICC chief prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo is expected in the country in November to finalize the indictments for those who bear the greatest responsibility in the violence.

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