
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Details of Mbuvi's dramatic escape from police custody


A Mr Gideon Mbuvi Kioko escaped from police custody at Coast General Hospital in Mombasa with the help of police, hospital and prison officials in April 1998.

According to records the convict fled to a neighbouring country, believed to be Tanzania, after vanishing from a ward dressed as a woman.

The decision to "admit" the fugitive to hospital was made by laymen prison officers, not prison doctors, raising suspicion that the illness was just an excuse.

According to records at Shimo la Tewa Prison, "Kioko is still on the run". One official claims a conniving senior official was paid Sh2 million bribe.

Makadara MP GidIon Mbuvi (second from right) takes Oath of Parliament during the swearing -in ceremony in Parliament, yesterday. [PHOT0: TABITHA OTWORI /STANDARD]

"Two prison warders were suspended and later sacked," according to the official who cannot be named for security reasons.


The Standard published an account of the dramatic escape on May 18, 1998. According to the account, Kioko was charged before Magistrate Justin Kaburu for forging documents with which he intended to sell a beach property owned by former Police Commissioner Bernard Hinga.

He denied the charges and was set free on Sh600,000 bond with a surety of the same amount.

On Sunday, the Makadara MP-elect, who coincidentally goes by the names Gideon Mbuvi Kioko, told Standard on Sunday he was arrested for assault in 1995 and was released on bond.

He alleged when his mother died in 1997, the bond was cancelled leading to his re-arrest and remand at Shimo la Tewa Prison, from where he escaped to bury her only to be arrested again and later pardoned by a court.

On May 18 1998, the Gideon Mbuvi Kioko who later escaped from Prison failed to attend the court, which made Justin Kaburu to issue a warrant for his arrest.

Apparently the escape conspiracy started at the second arrest for jumping bail. On his second arrest, according to information in our possession, Kioko was jailed for six months and given the option of paying a Sh600,000 fine.

Records show he was sent to Shimo la Tewa after claiming he was unable to pay the fine. But police and prison warders at the time said on his second arrest Kioko was found with Sh1.9 million in a suitcase. He attended court with the suitcase, which he, allegedly, also moved with to the prison.

"The prisoner never set foot in the prison," says a report.

After the money was discovered, a two-hour discussion between prison cashiers and officials came up with the decision that Kioko spends the night in a medical clinic. Next morning prison doctors admitted him to Coast General Hospital amid protests from medical staff doubting his illness.

Sh200,000 for special diet

Reports show the convict gave Sh200,000 to a trainee at the hospital to cater for his special diet. The dates for the subsequent escape are unclear but records seen by The Standard indicate the convict was discharged from Coast General Hospital and returned to the prison clinic on April 16, 1998, only to be returned to the bigger hospital the same day.

Kioko was chained to a hospital bed under supervision of two armed guards who were suspiciously replaced on April 16 at night when the suspect escaped.

Records show he deposited Sh108,000 after his conviction although he was actually found with Sh1.9 million. Curiously, a senior prison official, reportedly bought two cars after his escape.

Police Superintendent Geoffrey Mwangi who was prosecuting the case and had applied for his re-arrest, was reportedly transferred to Eldoret.

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