
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Some Kenya Census results nullified


NAIROBI, Kenya, Aug 31 – Census results in eight districts have been cancelled due to inconsistencies in expected numbers. Most of the affected districts are in North Eastern province and Turkana.

Planning Minister Wycliffe Oparanya who released the results of the August census at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre named the districts as Lagdera, Wajir East, Mandera Central, Mandera East and Mandera West, all of which are in North Eastern Province which borders lawless Somalia.

Download the full results released by Planning Minister Wycliffe Oparanya on Tuesday morning.

Other districts affected are Turkana Central, Turkana North and Turkana South near the Kakuma refugee camp.

“After the analysis and evaluation, Lagdera (district) has 245,123 people, Wajir East 224, 418, Mandera Central 417, 294, Mandera East 288, 687 and Mandera West 319, 775,” My Oparanya said.

He added: “Other districts affected are Turkana Central (254, 606), Turkana North (374, 414) and Turkana South (226, 379).

He said that the inconsistencies were discovered after an analysis was done following the census in August 2009.

“The rate of increase is higher than the population dynamics. If you look at birth and death rates, they cannot support those figures. Age and sex profiles also deviate from the norm,” The Planning Minister said.

He said they found that the number of men was higher than that of women by three times. “In those areas, we were wondering how men above 35 stay without women. In most cases, there is a balance of 50-50 or women are slightly higher.”

He said that the household size was also not consistent with the population size. “If there is a population growth, you expect households to increase.

The per capita per house is very high and the number of households very few,” Mr Oparanya said.

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