
Friday, August 27, 2010

LIVETEXT: Promulgation of the New Constitution

13:30[EAT] - A time comes in the life of every nation...

12:55[EAT] - Among those leaving are Sudan's President Omar el Bashir wnated by ICC court in The Hague for war crimes.

12:55[EAT] - Omar Basir is still in the city. He allegedly attended prayers at Jamia Mosque

12:53[EAT] - Kibaki just entered his fuel guzzler...there he goes....Former President Moi is also moving out

12:52[EAT] - Ceremony ends as military band plays. Leaders leave Uhuru Park leaving Kenya with a new Constitution.

12:52[EAT] - Its over, Kibaki leading the way out

12:50[EAT] - Balloons released. Did they go up?

12:48[EAT] - Visiting presidents exchanging pleasantries

12:48[EAT] - White doves now being unleashed to the air as a symbol of peace

12:48[EAT] - Anxiety as Kibaki prepare to lead other leaders in releasing white doves. There they GOOOO.

12:44[EAT] - The three stanzas of the National Anthem to be sung before President Kibaki releases white doves to signify the end of the Constitution promulgation exercise at Uhuru park. Everybody is singing, including those perched on top of trees.

12:43[EAT] - He thanks international community for supporting Kenya's search for New Constitution. This Constitution will stand the test of time. Let us seal the moment with courage.

12:37[EAT] - Kibaki: Corrupt people to go in the new dispensation. Only people with integrity to take up public offices.

12:36[EAT] - KIBAKI: New law to promote social cohesion and national integration, national inclusiveness, tolerance.

12:34[EAT] - KIBAKI: Better housing, employment and wealth to come with New Constitution. Every Kenyan will unleash their full potential.

12:32[EAT] - National anthem has been sung to signal climax of the ceremony...

12:27[EAT] - Kibaki: Some of the changes will be immediate while others will take time. Some of them will present challenges but new structures of governance will address them.

12:27[EAT] - Much more work remains to be done in the implementation-says Kibaki

12:26[EAT] - Climax of the speeches as President Kibaki takes to the podium.

12:26[EAT] - Kibaki giving his speech now

12:26[EAT] - Raila had to chip in the usual football antics

12:23[EAT] - Kibaki alikuwa iniesta na mimi fabrigas

12:22[EAT] - He praises Kibaki for his steadfastness since the signing of the National Accord.

12:21[EAT] - The crowd does not want Raila to stop talking...they are urging him on

12:19[EAT] - Raila: Kenya imeamka...hatutaki kurudi nyuma. Utawala mpya umeanza. Uongozi wa Kiimla na dhuluma tumeweka katika kaburi la sahau

12:18[EAT] - Raila reconnects with the excited crowd , including those perched up on trees, that turned up at Uhuru park by recognising Kenya's freedom fighters. Hakuna siku tena tutakubali kutawaliwa na kiimla. Leo hii ni arusi kubwa kwa Kenya.

12:18[EAT] - Wakati ni sasa-Raila

12:17[EAT] - Raila: Your constitution has set us free

12:17[EAT] - Raila: this constitution is our humble contribution to world democracy

12:16[EAT] - Raila praises Kenya: "Thank you for taking your destiny in your own hands".

12:16[EAT] - Raila: we must be vigilant to fight corruption and negative ethnicity. we need public service and not self service from public servants

12:15[EAT] - Raila: the group of eminent persons I salute you all for your support

12:14[EAT] - Kibaki is a hero...he faced teargas with us-Raila says

12:12[EAT] - We honour Kenneth Matiba, Martin Shikuku, Wangari maathai...and the young turks who brought us to this day...continues Raila amid applause

12:10[EAT] - Today we close a chapter in our history...we have opened a new page to write story of a just society-Raila

12:10[EAT] - Raila praises reformists including JM Kariuki, Alexander Muge, Chelagat Muta, Matiba, Young Turks and the Chairman of emminent persons led by Annan for helping Kenyans to rediscover their nation.

12:10[EAT] - This is freedom for posterity-Raila

12:09[EAT] - Raila has excited the crowd...the crowd is cheering him on

12:08[EAT] - Today marks end of one journey that leads us to another

12:07[EAT] - Kalonzo welcomes Raila to give speech

12:05[EAT] - Kalonzo heaps praise on the freedom fighters, President Kibaki and PM Raila Odinga for a battle won

12:05[EAT] - Poverty is a key challenge we have to fight in this new dawn-Kalonzo adds

12:03[EAT] -
we shall regain our the fOotsteps of our athletes Like Kipchoge Keino-Kalonzo.

12:02[EAT] - we are set to recapture the shattered dreams and reclaim our dignity as a people. Resources to benefit all and leaders to be accountable to the people-says Kalonzo

12:00[EAT] - 'What a moment,' says Kalonzo. This day is historic..a significant achievement. I thank God. We have emerged triumphant

11:55[EAT] - Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka now giving his speech

11:53[EAT] -
Military personnel display their hardware during Friday’s promulgation of the new Constitution. Photo: Moses Omusula/Standard

A new constitution shall be the legacy President Kibaki shall be remembered of. He said as much during the Referendum campaigns. Kibaki is done with inspecting the guard of honour

11:51[EAT] - Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka say new Constitution will bring new dawn for Kenya. He praises Kibaki for leading Kenyans to second Republic. Crowd bursts in ecstasy when he Kalonzo praised Prime Minister Raila Odinga for standing strong.

11:48[EAT] - State house choir comprising of various kenyan artists are on stage

11:46[EAT] - Kenya's old Constitution, inially negotiated in Lancaster House, London, ushered in independence in 1963. It was amended so many times, that by 1990s, Kenyans wanted a new law. The 1982 amendment saw Kenya become one-party state. The Document was changed again in 1990 to make Kenya a multi-part state.

11:45[EAT] - Wainaina sings the famous song 'Bendera'

11:44[EAT] - First Lady Lucy Kibaki, Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and PM Raila among those who stood to sing along as Emmy performed her song.

11:43[EAT] - Wainaina Eric is on stage

11:43[EAT] - Now PM raila and other VIPs are up dancing

11:41[EAT] - Even First lady Lucy is up with a jig

11:41[EAT] - Emmy's song lifts park to higher level as everyone sings along. Next to go on stage is Eric Wainaina.

11:39[EAT] - the crowd sings along even Kalenjin legislators cannot hide their excitement as they sing along Emmy

11:38[EAT] - Emmy Kosgei, the celebrated gospel singer takes the stage...she is the best female artist in the gospel category currently

11:35[EAT] - from lancaster to Nairobi...that is the journey the new constitution travelled-says Nderitu the poet

11:33[EAT] - A solo rendition of the poem 'It is time' by Caroline Nderitu

11:32[EAT] - Then comes in Ramogi dance group with Orutu and nyatiti...marvelous

11:31[EAT] -
The attorney General Amos Wako is presenting the promulgation instruments to President Kibaki

11:28[EAT] - A Gusii group displays skills of handling the Obokano, a string instrument

11:26[EAT] - The Maasais, the pokot and teh Samburu have not been left is a beautiful day

11:21[EAT] - National Youth band choir ushers in the band from Nairobi. Now moving on to dancers from Central Kenya

11:20[EAT] - Dancers from North have also performed briefly

11:17[EAT] - Swahili dancers on the stage with african jigs...its a true celebratory mood...a show kenya's cultural heritage-says the commentator

11:15[EAT] - Athletic team of the millitary marching by now

11:04[EAT] - Singer Emmy Kosgey takes to the stage with her signature tune "Taunet ne Lel" or The New Beginning.

10:57[EAT] - Military hardware displayed as the nation's defence forces display their skills skills. Next to come is fly past by the Kenya Air Force.

10:56[EAT] - There will be several military march pasts and fly pasts the presidential dias in honour of the Commander-in-Chief.

10:54[EAT] - Swearing in of Constitutional office holders scheduled for Uhuru Park ends. Guard of honour seeks permission from the Commander-in-Chief to leave Uhuru Park and create room for other military formations.

10:49[EAT] - President Kibaki counter-signs the Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka oath of office. The Speaker of the National Assembly Kenneth Marende will be sworn in in Parliament in the afternoon. Mps will also be sworn in in Parliament.

10:43[EAT] - Prime Minister Raila is the third Constitutional officer to be sworn in. 'So help me God' are the last words he utters before signing the two oaths he has taken. The president has to counter-sign the oath of office. Crowd cheers and applause as the PM took the oath.

10:41[EAT] - Chief Justice Evan Gicheru has been sworn in. He swears in Kibaki.

10:29[EAT] - Flag waving Kenyans and other guests sing the three stanzas of the National Anthem followed by 21 gun salute.

10:27[EAT] - New Constitution sealed and presented to President Kibaki who waves it at the excited crowd.
10:26[EAT] -
The attorney General Amos Wako is presenting the promulgation instruments to President Kibaki

10:20[EAT] - Kibaki promulgates and signs new Constitution making it effective from now. He signs six copies, one of which will be placed in parliament. Three Stanzas of the National Anthem to be sung.

10:19[EAT] -
The attorney General Amos Wako is presenting the promulgation instruments to President Kibaki

10:19[EAT] -
The attorney General Amos Wako is presenting the promulgation instruments to President Kibaki

10:17[EAT] - Kibaki now reads a declaration of what led us to this day as he prepares to pomulgate the new constitution

10:14[EAT] - Kibaki promulgates New Constitution voted in by Kenyans on August 4.
10:04[EAT] - Anglican Archbishop Eiud Wabukala just prayed too. Cardinal Njue now praying

10:00[EAT] - Your Say: "I am seated in a dais metres away from the main dais. The mood is, sorry, was great and palpable until the indictee Bashir walked in. How embarassing for us! Am ashamed to have this man among us on this Day. Haroun Ndubi

09:58[EAT] - A Maasai man has just prayed. Chief Kadhi now praying

09:57[EAT] - Kibaki now in the dais, greets Raila and other dignitaries. There is jubilation from the crowd

09:51[EAT] - Prayers being said now. Some jeer and and shout as Catholic's Cardinal Njue pray. "We come before you in deep humility to ask for your blessings..." He prays for unity, humility in the country as Kenyans usher in new constitution.

09:50[EAT] - Kibaki is now inspecting guard of honour

09:49[EAT] - Kibaki, accompanied by Chief of General Staff Jeremiak Kianga, readies to inspect guard of honour after the National Anthem has been played.

09:48[EAT] - President Kibaki has arrived

09:37[EAT] - President Kibaki arrives and boards military Land Rover. The Commander-in-Chief set to inspect guard of honour.

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