
Friday, August 27, 2010

Kenya ushers in new constitution

Written By:Carol Gakii , Posted: Fri, Aug 27, 2010

Caption: Members of Kenya's armed forces band parade during the promulgation of the New Constitution at the Uhuru Park grounds.

A new dawn was ushered in the country in style after President Mwai Kibaki officially promulgated the new constitution making it the supreme law of the land.

The historic promulgation exercise was held during a colorful ceremony at Nairobi's Uhuru Park grounds bringing to an end the country's 20 year struggle for a new dispensation.

President Mwai Kibaki received, read and at 10.25 am signed the legal instruments required to officially proclaim the new Constitution as the country's new Supreme law.

Attorney-General Amos Wako handed the President the Instruments of Promulgation, a statement confirming the enactment of the new constitution.

Regional heads of State and government as well as representatives of the United Nations, the African Union, European Union, ambassadors and high commissioners were among the dignitaries who witnessed the historic event at Uhuru park.

The heads of state included Tanzania's Jakaya Kikwete, Paul Kagame of Rwanda, Uganda's Yoweri Museveni , Ahmed Abdalla of the Comoros and Sudan's President Omar al-Beshir.

Others present include former presidents Daniel arap Moi of Kenya, John Kufuor of Ghana, Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria and Benjamin Mkapa of Tanzania.

Former United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan, who chaired the Panel of Eminent African Personalities that mediated the Kenya peace deal following the post election violence was also present.

At the same time, Kenyans from all walks of life gathered at Uhuru Park to join in the celebrations to
mark the historic promulgation of the new constitution.

The tens of thousands of jubilant wananchi arrived at the park as early as 4 am bracing the chilly morning so as to be part of the auspicious occasion.

Cabinet Ministers and Members of parliament who attended the celebrations said Kenya has proved to the world that it can overhaul its constitution in a peaceful process.

Speaking to KBC the legislators said Kenyans should be proud of endorsing the new constitution and focus on its implementation.

The celebrations were full of pomp and colour with a 21-gun salute fired by a military canon as a giant national flag was hoisted atop Uhuru Park Hill.

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