
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kenya ready for new constitution at historic fete

By Cyrus Ombati

Hours to the turning point through promulgation of the new Constitution all State organs were on the all systems go mode. Like a good host, Kenya cleaned up its house and prepared to receive guests and toast to the party of a century — billed as second only to Independence on Thursday, December 12, 1963. Security chiefs cracked their heads; protocol chiefs mulled over the long guest list, and the sea of humanity expected at Uhuru Park. Technicians worked round the clock, military polished their brass, fine-tuned their arsenal, and spruced their ceremonial dresses.

Cabinet members and top Government officials readied to be sworn-in afresh; and the Press prepared to relay the story of a lifetime, and a milestone for the 47-year-old nation.

"The dawn of a new era is upon us... We must seize this moment with courage. I know there are some people who are worried about the pace of implementation of this new Constitution, but I wish to assure all Kenyans that the Grand Coalition Government is committed to its implementation,’’ was President Kibaki’s enduring message.

State officials were leaving nothing to chance, a fact exemplified by the sealing of Uhuru Park last evening, and the declaration it would remain a no-go zone until tomorrow when it welcomes the thousands of would-be witnesses to the rebirth of the Second Republic.

Ten foreign Heads of State, ten heads of government, diplomatic representatives, and leaders of global NGOs, rights groups, donor agencies, and well-wishers are expected to witness the moment the President takes his pen to append his signature on the promulgation documents.

Head of Civil Service Francis Muthaura addresses a news conference at Uhuru Park, Nairobi, Wednesday. He outlined plans for Friday’s fete. With him is Internal Security PS Francis Kimemia. [PHOTO: COLLINS KWEYU/STANDARD]

About 8,000 security officers will be deployed at Uhuru Park to beef up security, 3,200 of them in plain clothes, sources said.

Eight presidents had by yesterday afternoon confirmed they would be arriving for Kenya’s glorious hour.

Amid pomp and fanfare, the President, the Prime Minister, the Vice-President, and the Speaker will take a new oath of office under the new Constitution at the ceremony. The venue was their boxing ring, during the 2007 General Election’s blistering campaigns.

Police screening

Head of Public Service Francis Muthaura announced the event would start after 8.15am, when the public will be seated at the park — after thorough police screening.

Heads of State of Tanzania, Rwanda, The Comoros, Somalia, Southern Sudan, and three others who had asked not to be named had confirmed attendance.

The Panel of Eminent African Personalities led by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan – who brokered an agreement between PNU and ODM ending the political crisis after the disputed 2007 General Election — and former Ghanaian president John Kufuor will also attend.

The highlight of the ceremony will be the promulgation itself, which involves the reading of the Promulgation Statement by President Kibaki, and the signing of the new law.

Then there will be a 21-gun salute as a jumbo-sized national flag is hosted, just as it were in 1963 when Kenya’s went up, as the Union Jack came down. The flag will remain a permanent feature at the Uhuru Park, aptly named after the Kiswahili word for Independence.

Chief Justice Evan Gicheru will be the first to be sworn-in by the Registrar of High Court Lydia Achode.

Mr Muthaura will then swear in the Prime Minister, and the Vice-President.

Clerk of the National Assembly Patrick Gichohi will swear in the Speaker Kenneth Marende before the CJ finally swears-in the President who will then read the Promulgation Statement and sign the new set of laws.

Armed Forces and civilian march past parade; a grand display of military hardware, entertainment, and speeches from invited guests and President Kibaki will follow that.

Muthaura said only invited guests will then proceed to State House for a luncheon the President and the First Lady will host.

Workers put in final touches at Uhuru Park, Nairobi, where the historic occasion will take place on Friday.

After lunch Ministers, Assistant Ministers, judges, Permanent Secretaries, and Service commanders will then be sworn-in. Members of Parliament will be sworn-in at Parliament Buildings, while magistrates and members of various commissions at the High Court, on Saturday. The Speaker, and Kalonzo, who is the Leader of Government Business, are expected to move a Motion to allow the House to sit on Saturday during a special session.

Muthaura addressed a press conference at Uhuru Park while in the company of several Permanent Secretaries taking part in the arrangements.

All provincial and district headquarters and several Kenyan embassies abroad will host celebrations for the promulgation.

He said former President Moi, all MPs, all political veterans, former MPs, heroes, and heroines of the ‘Second Liberation’ have been invited.

Strategic installations

Those attending the function have been asked to be punctual to avoid being turned away. "Security will be taken seriously and I ask that time be strictly observed," he said.

Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere said Wilson Airport would be closed for two hours. Security personnel will also raise the alert levels at the main border points, with neighbouring countries like Somalia. "Security has been heightened at all places and especially the main borders. Identified installations have also been taken care of," said Iteere.

He said screening of the public would start early, and end by 8.15am. About 400 officers from the ‘L’ and ‘G’ companies of the General Service Unit will be in charge of inner circle security, which covers all VIPs, even in their hotel rooms.

The officers, who were at the park yesterday, took various positions as they also rehearsed.

Chief of General Staff Gen Jeremiah Kianga, Service Commanders who included Army Commander Lt-Gen Jackson K Tuwei, Navy Commander Maj-Gen Mwathethe, Air Force Commander Maj-Gen Harold M Tangai, and Iteere visited the venue to ensure all was set for the big day.

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