
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Govt to conduct census for Kenyans with albinism

Robinson Simiyu Mkwama, the Kitale watchman who was to be sold to witchdoctors in Tanzania. Government has heeded to a request by persons with albinism in Kenya and plans to conduct a national survey to determine their current population. FREDERICK KATULANDA | NATION

Posted Tuesday, August 31 2010 at 18:33

The Government has heeded to a request by persons with albinism in Kenya and plans to conduct a national survey to determine their current population.

Planning Minister Wycliffe Oparanya said on Tuesday the Ministry was unable to include a special code for the albinos in the just concluded national population and Housing survey as their petition had come late.

The census results do not therefore include figures to show their current number.

But Mr Oparanya told Parliament the Ministry has taken note of their concerns and was planning to have a special census using the provincial administration.

The albinos through the Albinism Society in Kenya had petitioned the Government on several issues including the national census which they said would help in proper planning of their needs.

The parliamentary Committee on Equal Opportunities has recently questioned the State’s commitment to the protection of albinos and urged the Government to commission a national headcount of people with albinism to determine their exact population.

Parliament last year discussed a petition presented on behalf of the albinos by Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa on measures the Government should adopt to protect them.

Mr Oparanya Tuesday acknowledged the petition saying it was meant to cater for the fundamental rights of the albinos and protect them from ritual killings, discrimination in employment and other problems including total waiver of duty on their skin products such as sunscreens lotions.

He said the council of persons with disability was in the process of proposing amendments to the Disability Act to cater for the special rights of the albinos.

On sunscreens, he said the Finance Ministry has indicated concern on the matter and will soon give details of the agreed policy.

He urged political parties to put in consideration the albinos so that they can nominate one among their nominees to Parliament.

The Minister urged the albinism society to strongly lobby parties to ensure consideration and inclusion.

Mr Wamawa urged the Government to act within a given timeframe to give waivers on sunscreen lotions for the albinos.

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