
Friday, August 27, 2010

Get the order of events at Uhuru park as Kibaki promulgates new laws


Thousands of people throng Uhuru Park in Nairobi from the wee hours to witness President Kibaki promulgate the new laws endorsed through a referendum on August 4, with an overwhelming majority of 67 per cent.

The mood across the country is ecstatic as Kenyans await the signing of the document they expect will lead to greater accountability, transparency, good governance, respect for human dignity, justice for all and patriotism.

various guests

The event will be witnessed by various African heads of state and government, who began arriving in Nairobi on Thursday.

The crowing moment will be signing of the new Constitution by Kibaki, who will then take of allegiance.

Others to be sworn in are, Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and Speaker Kenneth Marende.

Later in the evening, Raila will lead the country in a display of fireworks ceremony to light up the skies of Nairobi at Canivore Restaurant grounds.

The official time for the public to start streaming into the historic grounds will be as from 6am, the publics are expected to show up as early as 4am to avoid missing a vintage point from where they will capture events.

Reporting time

President Ahmed Abdalla Sambi of Comoros inspects a guard of honour upon arrival in Nairobi, Thursday, to attend Friday’s promulgation of the new Constitution. [PHOTO: GOVEDI ASUTSA/STANDARD]

A programme released by State House on Thursday said members of the public are expected to be seated by 8.15am.

By 8.30am, ministers, judges, MPs and members of the diplomatic corps, Service Commanders will be arriving before, paving way 10 minutes later, for the arrival of the Chief of General Staff General Jeremiah Kianga.

At 8.50am, there will be a guard of honour match on in readiness for President Kibaki’s arrival. But to arrive first will be Prime Minister Raila Odinga who was expected back in the country yesterday from an overseas trip, Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, Speaker Kenneth Marende and CJ Evan Gicheru.

The Cabinet’s arrival will follow shortly after various visiting Heads of State and Government. At 9.15am, Kibaki will arrive in company of First Lady Lucy.

Kibaki to be received

Kibaki’ will be received by the Chief of General Staff Jeremiah Kianga before giving way for the national anthem.

After prayers, the big event will commence, with the AG Amos Wako expected to present instruments of promulgation of the new Constitution of the Republic of Kenya to the President.

The long awaited hour will then come shortly after the President, having read the instruments, will sign them and then kick off the start of new laws taking over from the independence one.

The signing will be followed by the affixing of the seal on the Instruments of promulgation, which will be followed by the national anthem to be sung for the fist time under the new supreme law in full.

21-gun salute

After the national anthem, there will be a symbolic 21-gun salute, as the national jumbo flag will be hoisted at the top of Uhuru Park hill.

Then Chief Justice Evan Gicheru will take the oath of Allegiance and due execution of the office under the new Constitution, before the President.

The CJ will then swear in the President, whose oath will be of Allegiance and of due Execution of office under the new constitution.

The President will be followed by PM, who will also take oath of allegiance and that of execution of office under the new Constitution. He will take the oath before the President.

defence forces

After the PM, the VP will follow suit, then the Speaker giving way for another guard of honour march past.

The march past will comprise detachments of Kenya Defence Forces, the Kenya Police, the General Service Unit, the Administration Police, the Kenya Prisons, the KWS, the Kenya Forest Service, the National Youth Service and drive past accompanied by armed forces bands and corps of drums.

Then there will be a fly-past by formation of Kenya Air-force jets and 50ACB to be followed by entertainments. Even though the official programmes did not indicate which groups would be pelting numbers, almost all leading Kenyan musicians indicated they had been asked to present items.

After entertainment, speeches will kick off with the VP Kalonzo Musyoka expected to start and then invite the PM who will also invite the President, whose speech will mark the climax of the historic day.

The programme did not indicate at what point invited guests will speak, also not clear is on whether chief Mediator Kofi Annan will be given a chance to address the occasion.

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